ref; consumer no.40041930005
with great it is stated, that the sui gas bill for the month of 2/2011 payable in3/2011 is not received uptillnow not only to me but to many other consumers of this area.after searching the bill in streetshops and mosques we are going to internet cafee of the city to download the bill for giving mony as they demands for downloading.and some of the consumers r faild to pay the bill in time, and so they r fined/surcharged.
therefore kindly instrucd the office /officials of mardan distt;kpk to do their duty andalso suspend the concerened official and to save us from further financial loss in future.
thank u for the kind of act.
yours Azizur rehman
consumer no.4001930005
miraj colony Takht bai distt; mardan
khyberpakhtoonkhwa pakistan.