My story is long and if you want to skip the rest, here is my conclusion on my exprience with Sears Canada, calgary and Canmore location
Sears Canada provides no help on your complaint. They are bunch of high school drop out low education 2nd class people. I will suggest you not to deal with them on your complaints because you will get nothing! If you are not happy with them, either take it and never buy from them in your whole life or just refund your item. Even you complaint to them they will do nothing!! The thing is people will still buy from them since there is not much choice for furnitures in Canada. Here is my story...
Bought a sofabed at Sears Canada sunridge location in Calgary. Said they will delivery to Canmore Sears location and will call me to pick up. After 3 weeks still no call so I call the Canmore loaction. The store owner (Tina) was really rude first of all. I was very nice to her but right the way she defensed herself and said told me to talk to the calgary store and nothing she can do and quote " too bad you will be the one who suffers" end quote.
So I call Sears 1-800 number to place a complaint, even worse and very rude as well. Please note I'm also working in service industry I was polite and nice to them. So this lady Pam from head office Toronto, had a same attitude as Tina, right the way protects Sears and said what Tina did was right, I have to call the calgary story, but i said my complaint of this call is Tina's customer service and she said she will talk to Tina about that. I ask if she will follow up and call me about this conplaint after she talks to her and she said they never call customers back. I said I want to talk to her supervisor and she said she is the highest I can reach.
And then I call the Calgary store where I bought my sofabed. The sell rep. (Mo) was not in so I request to talk to his supervisor and they transfer me to this lady Jean. She looks for that order, calling some shipping department and see where the sofabed is and took her 20 mins and said she can't find it and will call me back. I said when she will call me back and she laughs at me and said she doesn't know. ( she did laugh out really loud as if I asked such a silly question)She also told me she has a Doctor's appointment in the afternoon and another supervisor Debbie "might" call me back... and off course, she never called. Since there is no one you can complaint to and so I find this site.