Believe it or Not, I have the same complaint as, " WIDEWORLDSOFT BAKU AZ
Posted: 2010-02-22 by E. L. Woods credit card fraud/virus software
Complaint Rating:
Company information:
Security Tools/WideWorldSoft
BAku, Arizona
United States
A blue security alert alarm and sign appeared on my computer telling me I was in immediate danger and had been infected. The alarm intefered with everything on my computer. The only thing my computer would do is go to this page-foolishly I purchased the anti-virus but realized my mistake right away and called to cancel my credit card. My purchase for the software is now in disupute. I don't know it they would have also drained my credit card account but I'm glad I closed it instead of finding out. I restored my computer to an earlier date and was able to get rid of it. "