Super Sight Reading Secrets - by Howard Richman.
Buyer Beware! A group of vendors on Amazon ( I am in no way implicating the great company Amazon) are seemingly teaming up to overcharge for Super Sight Reading Secrets. This simple, 48 page, paperback, workbook style publication, listed for 9.95 when it was in print, copyright 1986. The last I checked, this group of vendors were listing this book from between 70. to 400.!!! Don't you dare pay those kinds of prices for that book! It may take some searching, but you can find that book for a lot cheaper. The best option is to buy the ebook version directly from the author himself at for the price of FOURTEEN DOLLARS! (I have a Masters of Music and in all my years, I have never seen such a fantastic, straightforward book on sightreading as this Super Sightreading Secrets!)