October 30, 2008
Terrible Customer Service
A couple of my team mates and I decided to go to sonic after practice, especially since it was half-price Tuesday.(burgers are half price) So with it being 3 of us, we all ordered from separate menus so that we might get our food faster (because sonic is soooo slow.) Anywho, after the 2 of us that had got out and ordered from separate menus finished ordering, we got back in my team mate's car because it was cold outside. So finally the guy comes with one of our orders but doesn't see us waving him to the car we're in (which, mind you is right in his face...no other customers were around) so he immediately goes back inside. We're thinking he forgot something. So when he comes back out he comes to the car and I pay for my order and get back in the car. By this time we all have our orders. So one of my team mates says "Are yall's burgers cold?" All 3 of our burgers were cold so we press the button for someone to bring us hot burgers. So this same guy comes back out and before we even say anything, he says "The burgers weren't cold, I've been out here waiting on you all to come and get your order". I am in total shock! We were all like, "excuse me??" So he's going back and forth with us and finally my team mate says "are you going to reheat the burgers or not?" He says "I'll reheat them but I'm not bringing out new ones" Then he has the audacity to say "you don't have to get rude!" So i've had it at this point. I ask for the manager so the mgr comes out and says he's sorry and will talk to the guy and asks us what we want for free. We tell him and we are waiting and waiting for him to bring out this "free" stuff to us. A female employee tells us over the intercom that he's not bringing it so we leave very upset, with our burgers still cold after all of that. Worst experience at sonic ever!