I am using a Sony ericcson P 990i mobile phone.Its not been 1 year i bought it, but the phone looks like i have bought it 5 years back. I don't know with what material they have made this phone. The color outside the Phone faded out and the paint is also going. I went to the service center and they said they cant do anything. Ive to contact authorized people through email or call center. I contacted both so many times, everytime the reply given by them is some higher responsible and authorized people will contact me. But none contacted me... Its sound funny that in Sony i guess noone is there responsible. Anyways, i have paid more than 30 K for this stupid phone and i am shocked to see my phone is like this now. Maybe this happened to only my phone,but isn't the responsibility of service people to take care of that and rectify it.I guess people out there think that Sony ericson have so many other customers, why the need of me...
Now i regret for buying this expensive piece of SH*T. So people who want to buy phones please do check the service that company provides rather than going for looks and ads by the company.