CameraAddict listed their Sony KDL 40V3000 HD-LCD TV for $1195 (lowest in a price search on the Internet). Shipping was then $199 (same as EBay and other on-line sellers). They then added on $150 for stand under the TV, HDMI cable and remote. (usually this comes with the TV in the sealed box). Next they added a 7% insurance cost of $99. They then followed with an extended warranty of 3 years for $199. The total cost came to $1842. What should have been $1394 became $1842.
Fortunately I saw the $1842 charge on my American Express and called CameraAddict within the 72 hour cancellation time and got a full refund. The TV sells for $1899 at Best Buy plus sales tax.
I was able to get the TV for $1195 plus $199 shipping from LCDPlasmaDeals. Hopefully, they do not add anything on like CameraAddict.