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Sony Reviews

November 2, 2008
I had a problem with my Sony TV that the sound keeps going & coming. I contacted the Service Center. They sent a technician to fix it at my home. While fixing it in my house some problems appeared in the display picture like lines began to cover the upper half off the screen which was his fault. He said that he would fix it. Then I informed him that the quality of the picture has been reduced. They blamed it on the antenna. After they had fixed it by two days, new problems were introduced like the quality of the picture became worse and lines started appearing again on the screen, the power cut off completely & wouldn't turn back on. All of that in addition to the old problem regarding the sound. I contacted them again. They came and took it with them to their shop. After a week, they sent somebody with the tv covered in dust. When I asked what did they do with the TV. He replied saying that I should ask the technician not him. He just carries the TV. When I asked where the technician was, he replied that he wasn't here. After that he gave me a bill that I should pay. I refused to pay it as the problems where introduced by them. He gave me the number of the technician. On contacting him, he told me to send the other guy with the bill. Three minutes after he left, all the previous problems reappeared again. So I contacted the technician & asked him to call the other guy & send him back. That's when he told me that he couldn, t find him. Couldn't find him??? Then I asked him where he was? He answered that he was waiting downstairs in my appartment. I asked him emmediately to come up. He said that he was on his way. And guess what??? He left & closed his cell phone!!! At night a very loud noise came out of the TV while it was closed and the writing that use to appear on the TV while entering the menu, turning up the volume all dissappeared.

I didn't think by any means that this is the reputable Sony company. Should I ask for a new TV or what as it seems that my TV has been destroyed????
October 28, 2008
Nothing good about it
My Sony FS315B laptop was defective straight from the box. It is unable to install software, read disks, or reliably write data to the hard disk. Very Poor response from Sony VAIO Support. They mainly rely on the Customer to do all the diagnosis while they just sit there. Ignoring the fact that it doesn't work, you also have the "bonus" of the Sony "Locked" version of Windows XP installed, which has some hateful quirks in it. ALL Sony laptops do NOT come with ANY install disks! Sony "create" a recovery partition (usually 7.5Gb of hard drive space) to store the info that should be on the install disks. If you install the "proper" Microsoft version of XP, the Sony VAIO warranty ends. I do not recommend Sony Vaio products.
October 24, 2008
Bad service
My husband recently tried to buy us a new Sony desktop and a pair of hybrid (analog and digital) TV tuners from Sony. It was the worst electronics decision we have ever made. Our new Sony VGC-LT29U would not receive HDTV. Our local cable company rewired our house, twice, tried at least 3 cable cards. I called Sony for 2 months, asking them to please fix my new expensive computer. Every time I switched from a digital to an analog channel, or the opposite, my picture would freeze, and then show me the error message "tuner not found." Sony blamed it on software incompatibility, and after 2 months I sent the whole mess back to Sony. They are now, of coarse, refusing to refund our money. We have a Sony tv that has never been a problem, worked great for 10 years. Our old Sony desktop with XP worked great for 4 years, and then the dvd drive failed. Something has really gone downhill at Sony!

the above is about a new Sony VGC-LT29U running Vista Ultimate

a pair of ATI TV Wonder digital cable tuners model A636 "certified for Windows Vista"

networked with a Netgear WNR 3500 router compatible according to the Microsoft website.
September 23, 2008
Wega KDF 55E2000
August 4th 2006 received my new Sony Wega hdtv KDF 55E2000 cost $2299.99. August 2008, 11 days after the warranty period the most expensive part in the set ($1200.00) was found to be defective and the authorized repair center stated "Not cost effective to repair". After approx 6 calls and two letters later Sony said they would allow me a $113.00 discount on a new set even thou they admitted the part was defective. If you are thinking of buying a Sony TV take a few minutes and look on this and other internet pages about Sony's customer service it will help you out with your decision.
September 14, 2008
Poor customer service
I purchased a Sony 46" Bravio LCD model number KDL-46V4100 3 months ago from a local retailer in Kansas City. Within 3 months of purchase the TV wants to power cycle itself every 15-20 seconds. I called customer service and they told me I would have to have the TV fixed by a local authorized repair center. All of the local authorized repair centers are only open 8AM-5PM CST Mon-Fri. I work for a living and I can not take any more vacation for the year. I called back and talked to Sony's no-customer service to explain the problem and ask for a solution.

The customer service rep made it sound like it was my fault that I couldn't get off during business hours to have their defective product fixed. She did not have any solutions for me. It was not until I pressed her to speak to her supervisor that she told me my only other option was to write a letter to the Sony Executive Review board. The Sony Executive Review board was her supervisor and there was no way that I was going to get any kind of problem resolution on the phone with her or anyone else for that matter.

I wrote a letter. Spent the $20 to overnight it and confirm delivery confirmation to wait to get an answer on what Sony is going to do to fix my paperweight, formerly known as a Bravio TV. I still have not heard any response yet from Sony.

Do not buy a KDL-46V4100 46" Sony Bravio LCD TV unless you have an unlimited amount of vacation to take when, not if, the TV breaks.
August 25, 2008
Bad service
First of all I would like to translate in English the answer to your mail since I consider it common sense to send it to all people I involved in the discussion. Then I will add some remarks for your colleagues.

So here is the translation:

Dear Mr. Mugurel,

1. I start by telling you that on the date of 16.12.2006 when I purchased the camera in the Flanco store in Sibiu there were no "Original Sony Guarantee Certificates" availabe there.

2. Through this mail I also adress the "Management of Flanco store" - at the mail adress specified on their site. Unfortunatelly for the "Consumers protection Office" there was no mail adress, but I posted an online petition (just copy - pasted your answer).

3. The fac that to this day I do not have an "Original Sony Guarantee Certificates" is the direct result of your bad coordination with your dealer Flanco. If as you say my camera could not be fixed because of thi reason I have to answer that I do not understand to support the consequences of your or your colleagues incompetency.

4. The fact that Sony product ave only one year guarantee if purchased in Romania is not only regretable but also demeaning. If Sony Corp. has not found out yet that Romania is a member of UE please share this with them. (If you did not know I hereby aknowledge you).

5. I tried to reach Sony Romania Friday 16.00 my last call was at 16.56. Beside the fact that no one answered my call was automatically cut off after three rings. I was expecting at least a greeting message, but that is beside the point.

6. If you consider that 5 days after the 16.12.2007 my guarantee has expired please answer fr me the following questions:

- Does Sony considerr that this camera is a professional one and therefore is used on a daily basis???

- If the last time it was used is before 16.12.2007 is the guarantee still valid?

7. What is the reason that you tell me to adress my request to "the management of Flanco store to have the video camera repaired free of charge"?

This was the translation.

Now some short remarks:

1. I expect an official answer before 27.12.2007 regarding my camera.

2. I expect an official answer before 27.12.2007 regarding the guarantee period in Romania. In case I do no get such an answer I will adress this to he European Comission. I cannot believe that Sony Corp. discriminates me as a consumer in Romania. I thought I was purcahsing from a global supplier!!!

3. If I d not et bth answers till the date mentioned I reserve the right to publish this wherever I think suited and start legal action against Sony Corp.

Best Regards,

Ioan Hambasan


----- Original Message ----

From: Ioan Hambasan <hambasan AT>

To: "Ro, Office" <RO.Office AT>

Cc: teleflanco AT

Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 9:05:40 AM

Subject: Re: Worldwide Guarantee

Stimate Domnule Mugurel,

1. Incep prin a va aduce la cunostinta faptul ca in data de 16.12.2006 magazinul Flanco din Sibiu nu detinea un certificat de garantie in original pentru produsul achizitionat.

2. Prin prezntul mail ma adresez si "conducerii magazinului Flanco" - la adresa mentionata pe site. Din pacate, pentru OPC nu am o adresa dar am depus o petitie online (am facut doar copy paste mailului Dvs.).

3. Faptul ca nu am un "certificat Sony in original" se datoreaza proastei coordonari dintre Sony si dealerul Flanco. Daca spuneti ca din acest motiv nu mi se putea repara camera gratuit atunci va raspund ca nu vad de ce as suporta consecintele incompetentei Dvs sau colegilor Dvs.

4. Faptul ca produsele Sony nu au decat un an garantie in Romania este nu numai regretabil ci si jignitor. Daca Sony Corp. nu a aflat inca de intrarea Romaniei in UE va rog sa-i anuntati (daca nu ati aflat nici Dvs va aduc acum la cunostinta).

5. Vineri am incercat sa sun la Reprezentnta Sony Romania incepand cu ora 16.00 ultimul meu apel fiind la ora 16.56. Pe langa faptul ca nu mi-a raspuns nimeni, convorbirea se intrerupea automat dupa trei apelari. Nu mai vorbesc aici de faptul ca m-as fi asteptat sa existe macar un mesaj de intampinare.

6. Daca D-vs coniderati ca la depasirea cu 5 zile a termeului de garantie a expirat vo rgsa-mi raspundeti la urmatoarele intrebari:

- Sony considera ca aceasta camera e profesionala si deci este utilizata zilnic???

- In cazul in care ultima utilizare a ei a fost inainte de 16.12.2007 garantia e valabila?

7. Care e motivul pentru care considerati ca ar trebui sa ma adresez "conducerii firmei Flanco pentru repararea gratuita pentru Dvs a camerei video"

Va multumesc anticipat pentru raspuns,

Ioan Hambasan

----- Original Message ----

From: "Ro, Office" <RO.Office AT>

To: Ioan Hambasan <hambasan AT>

Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 6:03:37 PM

Subject: RE: Worldwide Guarantee

Stimate Domnule Hambasan,

Sony livreaza impreuna cu produsele si certificate de garantie in original, catre toti importatorii autorizati (printre care se gaseste si Flanco).

In cazul in care la achizitionarea camerei nu ati primit un astfel de certificat, iar magazinul respectiv nu a putut sa va ajute, trebuia sa va adresati conducerii firmei Flanco si/sau OPC-ului. Este obligatia legala a vanzatorului sa va inmaneze un astfel de certificat!

Fara un certificat Sony in original, produsul nu se putea repara in conditii de garantie (gratuit pentru client) in nici un centru de service acreditat de catre Sony!

Produsele portabile audio/video Sony (inclusiv camerele video) comercializate in Romania beneficieaza de o perioada de garantie de 1 an de la data cumpararii, si se pot repara in orice tara membra UE. De asemenea, orice produs achizitionat din o tara membra UE se poate repara in conditii de garantie in Romania, pe o perioada de 1 an.

Germania, despre care specificati, ofera o garantie de 2 ani la camerele video, insa in cel de al doilea an reparatiile in garantie nu se executa decat in Germania.

De asemenea, va putem comunica ca la numarul de telefon al Reprezentantei Sony Romania (021/318.47.10) se raspunde de luni pana vineri, intre orele 9.30-18.00.

Deoarece termenul de garantie a expirat deja, va indicam sa va adresati conducerii firmei Flanco pentru repararea gratuita pentru Dvs a camerei video care o detineti!

Cu stima,

Mugurel ANDREI

Sony Overseas S.A. - Bucharest Office

Service Administrator

Romania & R. Moldova

Tel: (+4) 021 318 4710

Fax:(+4) 021 529 8020

E-mail: office AT


From: Ioan Hambasan [mailto:hambasan AT]

Sent: 21 decembrie 2007 17:30

To: SUK, CPG Sony Retail Spares

Cc: Ro, Office; marketing AT; marketing AT; Marketing

Subject: Worldwide Guarantee

Dear all,

I am writing from Romania, a country that as I understand it, according to Sony standards is not included in Europe just yet.

On the 16.12.2006 I purchased a Sony DCR-SR30E Handycam from a local dealer (Flanco).

I did not get a guarantee certificate because: " We did not get it from Sony Romania yet. We will call you when it arrives".

Now the cam is broken and I am told "You only have a one year guarantee since Romania is not in EU????" (German call-center).

I called Germany since Romanian desk is never answering. They told me they cannot help.

Maybe you can? Is there anybody in Sony worldwide that can??.

Please excuse the tone of my mail but I was looking forward to record some memories during Christmas.

I am expecting an official answer till latest tomorrow 10.00 GMT.

Then I will probably have to adress the issue to local authorities and post this where ever I can on the net to warn romanian consumers.


Ioan Hambasan


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The information contained in this message or any of its attachments may be confidential and is intended for the exclusive use of the addressee(s). Any disclosure, reproduction, distribution or other dissemination or use of this communication is strictly prohibited without the express permission of the sender. The views expressed in this email are those of the individual and not necessarily those of Sony or Sony affiliated companies. Sony email is for business use only.

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August 17, 2008
battery will not stay charged in psp just purchased on monday. It has not been over one wk.
Purchased a psp for my son on 08-11-08. Psp will not keep it charge. I do not like to take anything back to a store, but this time I just might have too.
I will not just throw what little money my son has out the window.
The kmart website do not work. I could not so the survey to be entered to win the 2, 500.00 gift card.
July 25, 2008
unethical practices
I will no longer buy Sony products after reading how they acquire the mineral coltan that they use in their Playstation 2. This is an outrage and I plan on telling everyone I know how unethical Sony is. I hope they go broke. Destroying human lives so that a company can make money is beyond despicable.
July 1, 2008
Bad TV sets, terrible customer service and tech support
Sony has a large problem with their old WEGA TV technology. A blue blob appears in center of the TV set after about 1 1/2 years. Many of these TV sets cost in excess of $2000.00 and Sony support will blow you off if you complain and ask for compensation or repair. It is also impossible to understand their Tech support staff in the philipines. They appear to be talking Parrots instead of live people who actually understand the English language.

Sony just lost an Class Action lawsuit for other TV sets with a Green Blob in the center of the screen. If the U S Govt. was truly interested in the welfare of U S Citizens (as they claim) they would bar Sony from doing business in the U S as most all of their products are over priced and of bad quality.
July 1, 2008
Junk TV
I have a $3000 Sony LCD TV that has just faded out for the forth time in 3 years. The part that goes out cost about $900 and has been replaced two times.

Lucky I paid for extended service but now it has run out. This TV has not run one full year without service. It is junk and the repair man loves it.

Sony should step up when they know something is junk and stand behind their product. It does not help to replace a part with the same defective piece of crap that came in it but this is what they do.

It was probably made in China anyway.

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