I am a registered member of the South African Council of the Architectural Profession. Last year our annual fee increased with almost 100%. Due to the recession the architectural proffesion has suffered badly and most companies have had to retrench or in our case a 3 day week.
Because of this we have asked the council in numerous letters and e-mails to explain this fee structure for a service not provided by them and to see if there is any alternative way of the members to pay there anual fees. I could not afford the whole amount, as i was due to working a 3 day week and receiving only 60% of my salary per month. Therefor i asked the institution if I could pay monthly, and i did so, even though i got no response saying that i could or could not do this. Today i received a letter informing me that I have been de-registered, because i did not pay my fees & that i have to pay another R1530 to register plus the balance that i am paying monthly!!
I have been trying to contact then since Thursday 6 May, but the phone just rings and i can hear the phone being cut off.. I think this is unfair & close to day light robbery as I & more than half of the institute members are financially crippeled due to the recession. It it not that i refuse to pay my fees, i do want to pay and made an effort to pay. As members we have to be belong to this institution otherwise we can not practise & earn a living. I feel that it completely unfair to have de-registered me, as the istitution has excepted my monthly paymnets every month and they also did not tell me that i could not pay monthly.
I can assure you there are more members out there being robbed by this institution. We can not pay truckloads of money for this paid and unfair service