my last name is bush, i never heard of any family that has suffered what the n. bush family has suffered without dieing early.the worse and most painful death is cancer and not many people live with it more than five years before they die.
my grand daddy lived in north carolina, so did my dad, they worked very hard and they were very grand dad was black balled by the cotton mills because he invented something and the mill stold his invention, he could not get a job almost no where during the depression.before they and my dad moved to south carolina. my dad had a lot of heart and he was a very good man he suffered a lot because of the hard mill work 16 hours a day and he lived through a old nimesis, old clarence s. the dick that was free to the poor, i hated that bastdard s, i gruw up in the 1960, s in sc i remember people treating me like i was a joke most of my life, but there was some good people .i remember when my sister had a infected ear and my mother had to wait till the next pay day to take her to a docter, my sister had blood coming out of her ear and cried a lot for 1 week.there was 7 children and 2 parents, we were poor!!!i, ll never know how black people made it back then, because we were white as cotton to most people a fighter but that don, t go so well with the sc police so i became a kind of a wimp, it keep me out of 5 feet 4, i believe in karate weapons and im very good with a numchuke.before i got very sick i worked hard, but some people in sc just can, t believe it and they still don, a lottery is here and the rich are getting richer and the poor is getting poorer and some common people are getting rich also.i believe the lottery is rigged for who ever they want to win it.i know a bush will never win millions no matter how hard they try.i know!!!