I realize there are many reasons people complain about a company, and many of those reasons may be warranted; I just have no complaints to add to the list.
What I would like to express, for those who may find themselves searching this venue is this: South Coast Recovery SAVED my son's life. I am not over stating the facts; I am saying thank you for what you did to help my son find his way to recovery. Addiction is such a sensitive subject, and many families are searching for a one-stop cure-all solution, and frankly, there is not one at least not that I have found.
What I can tell you is this; my son after completing a semi successful stay at another recovery facility in Costa Mesa - left the center and relapsed almost to the point of ending his life. My ex-husband and I quickly jumped back on the internet and desperately searched for a new recovery place to help our son. South Coast seemed to have it all - great reputation, great councilors, great medical staff and some very innovative holistic ways to end my son's suffering. What we found was a host of people not only willing to help - but many who went beyond what was expected.
Everyone's experience is as different as the addiction itself. Everyone entering into a recovery program for themselves or a loved one - wants the same end result "help me to find a way to live without my addiction". Help the family to deal with the pain addiction has brought into their lives. South Coast not only understood these needs, they were there when we needed them; and have continued to be there long after the center has closed.
Being upset about the untimely closing of South Coast Recovery is understandable; I can't blame anyone for their reactions, but I could never blame the staff. These are by far some of the greatest and most giving people I have had the pleasure to meet. I believe with all my heart, my son would not be with me today if not for South Coast Recovery. I'd like to go one-step further and add my own very personal "thank you" to Don Keith. His ability to see people beyond their addiction, and to offer his heart without strings attached is one of the finest men I have had the pleasure to know. He never said "NO" to helping someone in need, and he continues to put the safety of his clients/friends before his own needs.
My hope for anyone seeking help for an addiction (yourself or a loved one) is simple: do not give up hope. Do not stop trying to find a solution. South Coast Recovery may be gone, but many of the wonderful staff members are still around to offer their assistance. All I can say is "they took my broken son, and gave him back to me - Whole" I will forever be grateful.