Attn: Cricket Corporate Security/Investigations
This is to inform you that you have a serious problem on your hands I was the victim of a recent scam by someone claiming to be with a law firm when I did more research I discovered this person was running a scam on many people many of which just happened to Cricket customers Your custom service people seem to speak in very heavy Indian accents well guess what people all of thses scammers constistently spoke with a heavy Indian accent I as a result of constant harassment by yet another scammer had to changes phones and I went here to my local coporate office to change the number I had them set-up a completely different number under SouthBay Intelligence Services beleiving that this number would be safe Not the case people within 24 hours they had my number again I have spoken with the FBI and filed a complaint with OKCPD You people need to find out what is going and you need to do something quick because if you don't my next step is to going to the big news channels ABC CBS FOX anyone that will listen and tell them your company has a serious fraud problem DO SOMETHING NOW you have 72 hours to respend before I go to the media with this problem and I'm sure you don't want that now do you but I'm diseparate and diseparate people don't always think rationally now do they GOOD LUCK