The last Toyota? We have bought 15 Toyotas over the years, not including recommendations to our children and friends who have followed suit. Some of them have been financed through Southeast Toyota. This is the last loan I will put my name on from this company. The problems began when we traded for a Toyota Prius in October. We never received a statement - address has been the same for almost 30 years. We got phone calls from Southeast Representatives stating our payment was late. The first statement arrived November 30th. My husband mailed his truck payment with his account number on the check - he also mailed the Prius payment with the account number included. The truck payment arrived-at least that is what all four of the customer service representatives say. They are telling me the
Prius payment is "lost in the mail" found out that when we got the second statement showing we are deliquent. The instution I work with is saving postage by not mailing out statements to clients that have balances more that a certain
amount. I am suspecting Southeast Toyota is doing the same, and worse, in that a method of balancing out some of the delinquent accounts from people that do not pay them is to have those of us who have excellent credit pay late charges
in fear of our credit being damaged. I have also noted we have not received a Toyota Survey from the Prius purchase which I am requesting it be sent to me via this email as I am copying this to Toyota, Consumer Reports & the Better Business Bureau. My plan now is to learn who audits Southeast Toyota, if anyone can reply to this - please email me @
[email protected]. What a shame for the reputation of Tototat to be lessened to this, will check Consumer Reports
for a comparable vehicle with the next trade.