Southeastern Gun Supply always has the highest price I can find. I showed them the price at which I could pick up a Colt Ar-15 in another county of Georgia, and they told me the best price they could do was $500 more...and only if I paid cash.
I also have tried to buy a S&W 1911 from them yet they wanted $400 above another price I had found. In addition, I tried to purchase a S&W model 642 and they wanted $200 more.
So instead of buying from them, I had the above two handguns transferred to their store for me to pick up. Paid $25 for each transfer and then had the owner lecture me about why I should have purchased from his local store...I mean what an asshole! I wish that I never even transferred to your store and gave someone else the $25 transfer fee.
You will never get my business again!