June 13, 2009
To whom it may concern:
I Dorothy Ann Ramsey have had enough with your Finance company and Affiliated Finance Company.
Back in May 2007 I bought a car from Mint Condition here in Stone Mountain, GA, Which Affiliated
Finance Company financed. Received the proper paper work, but never received the CARFAX report on
the car. Well that was a dead end. I always had a feeling something was not right with the car and they
would not hear another word from me now that they had their money. I felt that I had been sold a "LEMON", but whose going to listen to me the consumer?. Well I began making payments of $325.00
per month to Affiliated Finance Company for a Solid year in good faith, keep in mind my total amount
at the time of the car being financed was $11, 000.00 plus tax, title, document fees in May 2007. Well
I figure I'm well on my way with this company no problem. After a year with Affiliated Finance Company,
I receive a letter stating my loan has been bought by you Southside Finance Company and guess what
the balance is $11, 000.00????. I have not received any paperwork showing the balance from Affiliated
Finance Company showing what was "FLIPPED over to you. I'm accustomed to signing paperwork
showing me my balance, tax and any other fees that I am responsible for going forward. Received nothing. Now I'm making the same $325.00 to your company. I request this information from your
company (MR. POLK) and he send me a fax form to fill out requesting all my personal information, and
I send it back to him not thinking every time I ask for my due date to be changed you all are re-financing
my loan to me this is "FRAUD". Now I'm to the point well if I'm still making monthly payments why is my balance not going down instead of up. Well I called and spoke with (MR. Jason Stampey) with your
company and express these same questions back in May 2009 and he stated to me that he would send
me my break down of payments in the mail. No response by phone or mail. So I figure after making payments for 3 years where is this money going????. Interest can not be this high???. I figured I've been had and now its time for me to take "LEGAL ACTION". I wanted to trade the car in and guess what, the value is worth only $2, 500.00?????. If figure that's what my balance should be after 3 years
of payment to you Southside Finance and Affiliated Finance Companies???. Please keep in mind, I have submitted this information to my Better Business Bureau and all three of the credit companies.
"THIS CUSTOMER IS FEED UP OF BEING FRAUD BY FINANCE COMPANIES". I have also seek legal action at this time. The last bill I received from you shows a balance of $11, 362.02 as of
June 2009???? due date has not been changed as I requested to the 25th of each month??, and a break down of my payments have not been submitted to me yet??. My account # with you is: 01102-307483. Yes I have received a carfax report and the car was in a crash accident when Mint Condition sold me this car "LEMON", and in the state of Georgia their is a "LEMON" law. You can hassle a
customer about a payment but can't return and honest phone call or requested paperwork??...
Dorothy Ramsey