March 5, 2011
not resetting gas pump
I went to the gas station mentioned above to get cigarettes and $5 bucks of gas. I at the last minute decided to get some candy for my husband and I. I told the cashier I needed a pack of marlboro light box and $5 dollars on pump 4. Since she was to concerned with her conversation with her friend, she didn't charge me the gas. I didn't that until it was too late. So I go to pump my gas and noticed that the meter on the pump read $11 from the previous customer. When I started to pump it didn't reset itself but I thought I just prepaid for gas and turned around to unlock my car and put my wallet and candy away. I was in my car for a second before I got back out to look at the pump. It's still didn't reset it's cuz it looked like I had put $13 in but I was there for only a second and knew there was no way I had reached that amount in that short amount of time, I realized it still hadn't reset itself from the last customer. So I stopped pumping when the meter read 15, only putting 4 bucks in, and went to go tell the cashier that something was wrong with the pump. When I went inside the line for the register was ungodly long, but I said the pump didn't reset itself when I started pumping, plus I asked for 5 bucks on pump 4 and you never charged me for it. All the did was reprint the receipt and tell me I was right that she had forgot to ring up the gas. I said thats alright not that big of a deal but what is a big deal that the pump didn't reset itself when I started pumping, it looks like I put 15 in but I have only pumped 4 dollars in, it was at $11 when I pulled up and it was $11 when I watched it go up from when I started pumping. Obviously flustered cuz of the long line infront of her, she told everyone to hold on and she ran oustside with me to the pump. She looked at the meter and said well you pumped 4 gallons in, I said no I didn't, thats the amount of gallons for $15, I only pumped $4 and explained again that the meter read $11 when I started pumping, it didn't reset itself, I watched it start at 11 and go up. She didn't understand this at all and kept repeating herself saying you pumped 4 gallons. So we go back inside, and she looks up the amount of the previous customer at that pump and said the last customer paid with a credit card and he only got $1o worth. I said thats wonderfull, then someone after him came and got $11 worth of gas after him cuz there was $11 on the meter when I first pulled up and had to check the # of the pump I was on, thats when I first noticed the $11. She told me to hold on and the next thing I knew she had called the police. The cop and I went out to the pump and I explained everything to him. He said he would review the tapes with the manager tomorrow and get back to me. Well the next day when the cop called he explained to me that it appears that I pumped the gas, and when I said I did pump gas, just not the amount they are claiming I did. He said it didn't matter. When I asked if they could see the pump meter in the tape he said no, and when I asked to view he said that it would be up to the manager of the store. Then he said that if I didn't pay it, he would write a warrent out for my arrest and come and arrest me and then a judge can decide who's right. I was disgusted that he said that to me. I had a legitimate complaint and they were going to arrest me? So I call the manager of the store, Renee is her name, and she basically tells me the same thing plus she wouldn't let me see the video. I told her if Im being accused of pumping that much gas I would of been there for more time than I was and it would show on the video and I want to see it especially if Im going to be held responsiable for paying for someone else's gas. She then told me no again that they have "security reasons" for not allowing me to do so. Then began to tell me that she has no time for this. I said I work in retail as a manager too and half of my day is spent dealing with customers complaints and it's pretty sad that the store manager has no time to deal with such issues. I asked for her supervisors name and said maybe he'll have time to deal with this and she then again told me she couldn't give me that information. So I told her to have him call me and hung up the phone. In the mean time the cop pulls up at my house and tells me that I no longer have to pay the $15, that the manager said she would just "eat it" but that we could no longer go there again! Why the sudden change of heart??? Maybe cuz they no Im right??? Maybe because they no they were giving away free gas to their friends and hoping people aren't paying attention??? I feel so helpless and humiliated, this was totally unjustified how they treated me, like I was some crazy person just trying to get out of paying for gas, they barely looked into the matter! If they weren't giving away gas to their friends then there's something honestly wrong with the pump and it could happen to someone else. All parties involved got extremely defensive right away and refused to believe there could be something wrong with their precious fuel meters. I hope no one ever has this happen to them, they make you feel like some criminal crazy person!!!