My name is Sal I'm an ex- employee of Spa World Corp / Meditub / Other Alias.
The Reason I'm typing this report is because my conscience is weighing heavily upon me. I was let go from spa world because they did not believe in paying minimum wage for labor in Miami FL, most likely because I'm half mexican. However the main reason I was let go is because I had found out about how spa world corp / Meditub has been exploiting children and child labor laws in china to maximize there profits. It is not enough for them to simply pay $400 for a walk in tub and sell it to Hard working Americans for $4000 & $5000, they look to cut costs and pay less at every possible turn. These people, Joe Schwartz, Tova Schwartz, and Ira Schwartz are a group of the most evil wicked people on the planet they only care for there profits and money, all people to them are just write off's.
Spa World Corp / Meditub or Ira And Joe Schwartz have been utilizing slave labor in china and duping the American public into believing that there products are manufactured here in america, my conscience would not weigh on me so heavily if it was just the fact the tubs I sent out every day were made in China, it is the fact that Joe & Ira Schwratz are forcing poor little children to work for nothing under terrible conditions to turn and maximize there profits!
More than 100 children from factories in the city of Dongguan, one of the China's largest manufacturing centers for Walk in tubs for Meditub, sold around the world. Hundreds of other rural children had been lured or forced into captive, almost slavelike conditions for minimal pay.
The children, mostly between the ages of 9 and 15, were often tricked or kidnapped by employment agencies hired by Ira Schwartz in an impoverished part of western Sichuan Province called Liangshan and then sent to factory towns in Guangdong, where they were sometimes forced to work 300 hours a month, and accounts from the state-owned media. The legal working age in China is 16.
The abuses may also reflect the combined pressures of worker shortages, high inflation and a rising currency that have reduced profit margins of some Chinese factories and forced them to scramble for an edge — even an illegal one — to stay competitive and Spa World Corp / Meditub is making Millions of dollars by selling the same product made by starving children in china for pennies to the American people under at least 20 different alias's.
They Sell walk in tubs to All Time Medical, CSN Stores as symphony baths, Walmart as elegant tubs, Costco as Access Tubs, the fact these comp[anies do not do A THOUROUGH BACK GROUND CHECK ON THE COMPANIES THEY DO BUISNESS WITH MAKES THEM AN ACCOMPLICE TO THE EXPLOITATION OF THE POOR CHINESE CHILDREN FORCED TO WORK FOR PENNIES A MONTH TO AVAOID STARVATION.
I have done all I can do to expose this company and these vile people for the devils they are and I hope God will forgive me for my participaction with them, I pray and beg that these facts which I have shared will help to save those poor children and that all of you who are reading will help to boycott spa world and the selling of there products in Big Box Stores, and to the American people!
God Forvigive us all!