June 2, 2009
Sells motherboards that they don't even have instock!
04-10-08 I order a motherboard
04-11-08 Wait
04-12-08 call their non-800 number to verify everything is good, guy who answers the phone tells me that it "will ship out today"
04-13-08 I place another call to see if my order has shipped out, unfortunatly the guy on the other side of the phone tells me that they don't even have this motherboard to sell and they are hoping for a shipment. See i've done a decent amount of research about this motherboard (Abit KV7) and they have not even been manufactured for over a year now, so being told on the phone that they were going to get a shipment in is just hopeful wishing, and a blanket pollicy to sell anything and then hope they can get it.
April 16, 2007
Sell motherboards that they don't even have in stock!
The following is a transcript of my recent experience with an online retailer, Spartantech.com
04/10/07 I order a motherboard
04/11/07 Wait
04/12/07 call their non-800 number to verify everything is good, guy who answers the phone tells me that it "will ship out today"
04/13/07 I place another call to see if my order has shipped out, unfortunately the guy on the other side of the phone tells me that they don't even have this motherboard to sell and they are hoping for a shipment. See I've done a decent amount of research about this motherboard (Abit KV7) and they have not even been manufactured for over a year now, so being told on the phone that they were going to get a shipment in is just hopeful wishing, and a blanket policy to sell anything and then hope they can get it.