A couple years ago, I saw a commercial on tv for SMC, and so I called the number and signed up.
A little time later I got their information package in the mail. After looking it over I realized that they had lied in their television commerical.
I followed their instructions for canceling my membership. And after doing so, was still each month charged a membership fee. After 7 months, I finally told my credit card company to block all charges from them.
SMC then put my account in the hands of a collection agency, who told me yesterday (1-20-2010) that SMC was going to be taking legal action against me.
I owe SMC nothing. I never bought any products from them or nothing. In fact SMC owes me over $700.00!
Someone needs to sue SMC. I would like too see a joint lawsuit filed, so that everyone who has a complaint can get justice. This is the 4th website I've found, with complaints against SMC on it.
If you would like to share your complaints about SMC with me, you can email me at [email protected]