Please save your money. Do not buy anything from them. Lot of people have lost their money. During their demonstration they create a website and instantly it starts to make money. While we may not be that foolish to think our websites will do the same, we do expect that we could make some money over time.
However, that is not the case. People with hundreds of websites are making 20 cents a month after 6 months for ALL of their websites.
The program costs $6, 000 and then a further $6, 000 to lease domain names. At 20 cents a month or even $20 a month it will a very long time to get your money back. On top of it all in 12 months time the lease on the domains expire and you have to pay again so every year the cost gets higher so the return will take longer.
Please, please do not make the mistake I made. Save your money and invest it wisely. There are no get rich quick schemes. Internet is a vast sea with no limits or end in sight. It is a digital space where only servers and disk drives exists so there is no end to the number of websites that can exist. The website we create are only a microscopic dot in the oceans of the internet.
Please don't be fooled like I was.