If you are having a problem with hidden charges on your Sprint cell phone bill and they are ignoring you, this may save you many hours of research because I have done it already.
Brief Description of Dispute:
On 10/15/2008, while changing plans from the ($129 Talk/ Message/Data share 1500 plan) to the ($99 Talk/Message share 1500 plan) and replacing a phone on warranty at Sprint, (3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B, Tacoma, Washington 98409), Rep. ID# (532632) failed to put the ($15.00 Vision package) on Phone #1 and block internet usage on the other 3 phones on the contract as I requested several times. This resulted in the following hidden (Overage Additional Casual Usage) charges for Bill Date 10/30/2008:
Phone #1 $75.00
Phone # 2 $75.00
Phone # 3 $19.29
Phone # 4 $6.75
On 11/2/2008 I was shocked when my bill was $316.15. I immediately went to the Sprint store in Tacoma on 3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B, Tacoma, WA. To have these charges removed. I talked to an associate named Teri. She said she added the $15 internet service to phone # 1 and blocked internet usage on the remaining three lines on the contract like I wanted, but she would not remove the $176 worth of previous overage internet access charges. I calmly asked for a resolution and asked for a supervisor but they were busy. I gave Teri a typed copy of my complaint to give to her supervisor. I was told that I would get a call back, but no one has contacted me. Even though I have been very polite, professional and calm, I have been ignored by Sprint management. When I call customer service, I get the run-around on the phone. I get put on hold a long time to talk to people who barely understand or speak English. To avoid filing a case with the Better Business Bureau I mailed requests to settle this dispute to the following Sprint addresses:
3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B,
Tacoma, Washington 98409
6391 Sprint Parkway
Overland ParkWay, KS.
Board Communications Designee
Sprint Nextel Corporation
6200 Sprint Parkway
Overland ParkWay, KS.
Sprint PCS
P.O. Box 8077
London, Kentucky 40742
No one contacted me. I took the next step and filed a complaint
through the Better Business Bureau online http://welcome.bbb.org/ 11/10/08.
BBB of Greater Kansas City (Kansas City, MO)
8080 Ward Parkway, Suite 401
Kansas City, MO 64114
Phone: (816)421-7800
Fax: (816)472-5442
File complaint to: www.bbb.org
[email protected]
Web: www.kansascity.bbb.org
As you read the detailed version of this dispute, you will realize how much time and resources it took to get all the phones on one family plan that works well for us. I filed this report as a last resort effort to help Sprint understand that they should remove the $176.00 and taxes if applicable.
Detailed Version:
The purpose of this letter is to inform the public how Sprint takes advantage of their customers by allowing hidden charges to aquire while making it difficult to remove them. We want to continue using Sprint services and maintain a positive business relationship but Sprint’s failure to resolve the following dispute is causing me to take definite and complete action. Removing $176 worth of hidden overage charges and taxes if applicable will resolve this issue. An associate forgot to add the $15 internet plan to one phone and block internet access on the others as I requested. This resulteed in $176.04 of hidden overage charges applied in less than 30 days. When I went back to the store, they corrected the problem to prevent future charges, but they would not remove the previous charges. I feel like my case is being ignored so I am writing to various sprint offices, filing a dispute with the Better Business Bureau, sending this dispute to every online consumer protection service I can find, and getting ready to file with the FCC and Attorny General to see if Sprint’s obvious mistake can be reversed. I would rather have good relations like I have had for years with Sprint, but their failure to communicate is forcing diligent, professional, and legal action.
My wife and I have been loyal Sprint customers for several years. We have never missed payments and have kept lines of communication open. We have completed most of our transactions through “Sprint” on 3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B, Tacoma, WA. because we use to think that the employees there were helpful and professional. It is unfortunate that customer relations are sacrificed over a simple obvious mistake of $176.04
This is an attempt to help the public settle similar disputes and stop Sprint from taking advantage of their customers by following an action plan to stop hidden charges.
Action Plan
11/3/2008 Send notification to letter to Sprint store in Tacoma on 3702 S. Fife S
Tacoma, Wa. to express intent to settle dispute and avoid third party
involvement. (Complete)
11/4/2008 Request Board Communications Designee to forward complaint to appropriate
groups within Sprint for processing and response. (Complete)
11/5/2008 Send letter to Sprint PCS in London, Kentucky. (Complete)
11/6/2008 Communicating with several media groups that have expressed their interest
in this complaint. (In Progress)
11/10/2008 Filing Complaint with Better Business Bureau (Complete, Complaint #7208320)
11/11/2008 Notify all Sprint Departments in this action plan of B.B.B. case # (In Prgress)
11/12/2008 Posting complaint in www.consumeraffairs.com/cell_phones/sprint_pcs.htm
and five other consumer protection medias. (In progress)
12/11/2008 File complaint with Federal Communications Division (If not resolved by B.B.B.)
esupport.fcc.gov/complaints.htm (Gathering Info)
12/12/2008 Filing complaint through Attorney General (If not resolved by B.B.B. or FCC)
Detailed Summary of Dispute:
On Aug. 15, 2008, my wife took a Blackberry in because it was not working correctly. During the conversation with Rep. ID# (532632), it was noted that we would save money and have unlimited messaging by switching from the Fair-Flex Family 2500 plan to the $99 Talk/Message Share 1500 plan because we don’t use that many minutes. My wife asked for a copy of the detailed contract but instead she was verbally reassured that all phones including the blackberry would be on the plan.
We were expecting a bill of an approximate amount of $130 but when the bill was posted, it was approximately $117 higher. The Blackberry Phone was still on the Fair-Flex Family 2500 plan. It had not been switched over to the .
On 9/1/2008, I called the Tacoma store, on 3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B, Tacoma, WA. There was not an answer, perhaps the store was closed because it was Labor Day; nevertheless, there was not an answer so I preceded to call Sprint Phone Service. Rep ID # 439136 at Sprint Services insisted that I switch the Blackberry Phone to the Blackberry 450 plan to at least lower the bill some. Her persuasive conversation insisted that this would be the best plan, so I agreed. She said “only the store I purchased the $99 Talk/Message Share 1500 Family plan from would be able to put the Blackberry Phone on that plan. ”It was understood that the Blackberry 450 plan was only temporary until I was able to go to the store in Tacoma and have the Blackberry Phone changed to the $99Talk/Message Share 1500 plan.
On 9/6/2008 my wife went to the Tacoma store and talked to Rep. ID# (532632). She apologized and said she would fix the problem by putting the Blackberry Phone on the $99Talk/Message Share 1500 Family plan and made an adjustment to the account, which brought the bill down to approximately $126.
On 10/13/2008 I took the Blackberry Phone in for the 3rd time because of problems and another one is on order now. I also noticed that my bill was approximately $100 over last moths bill. The Blackberry was still on the Blackberry 450 plan. It was not switched to the $99Talk/Message Share 1500 plan as promised. Nicholas, Rep ID# 532635 said that they could not put a Blackberry on that plan and switched all phones to the $129 Talk/Message/Data Share 1500 plan. He said this was the only alternative that would lower my bill. It lowered the bill by $5, so my bill was still approximately $100 over original estimate and $60 over the original Fair-Flex Family 2500 plan we were on before Sprint representatives insisted that the changes would lower my bill to start with. Finally, all four phones were on the same plan, but it was not the plan that was promised. It was a plan that cost $100 more a month and gave us services we do not use often.
On 10/15/2008 I went to the Sprint store in Tacoma on 3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B, Tacoma, WA. And asked to resolve these issues. I talked to Rep. ID# (532632) again. I stated that I wanted a fair settlement to avoid filing a case through the Better Business Bureau. An agreement was made by replacing the broken BlackBerry with a phone that was compatible with the $99Talk/Message Share 1500 plan. I told her that I wanted the $15.00 internet service on my phone (#1) only. Internet access on the other 3 phones should have been blocked!
On 11/2/2008 I was shocked because my bill was $316.15. After spending much time analyzing the bill, I realized Rep. ID# (532632) failed to put the ($15.00 Vision package) on phone number 1 and she did not block internet usage on the other 3 phones on the contract as I requested. This resulted in the following (Overage Additional Casual Usage) charges for Bill Date 10/30/2008:
Phone #1 $75.00
Phone # 2 $75.00
Phone # 3 $19.29
Phone # 4 $6.75
I immediately went to the Sprint store in Tacoma on 3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B, Tacoma, WA. To have these charges removed. I talked to Teri. She said she added the $15 internet service to phone # 1 and blocked internet usage on the remaining three lines on the contract like I wanted, but she would not remove the $176.04 worth of previous hidden overage charges. I calmly asked for a resolution so I would not have to file a case with the Better Business Bureau but no progress was made.
I believe it is very obvious that these dilemmas are a fault of Sprint and I have professionally attempted numerous times to resolve these issues. I believe I have been fair, professional and very patient to settle this dispute without third party involvement but Sprint has failed to recognize this.
Settlement Request
Remove the following charges from my bill:
Phone #1 $75.00
Phone # 2 $75.00
Phone # 3 $19.29
Phone # 4 $6.75