Sprint PCS

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Phone number: 386589-4802

Sprint PCS Reviews

Martin April 29, 2009
Unauthorized billing
I've been paying over $50.00 a month for wireless phone service from Sprint PCS for several years now even though I barely get service in my area.

So why do I continue to do business with them? Because of that pesky $175.00 contract termination fee! I can't leave Sprint PCS whenever it would be convenient for me, because then I would have to pay that exorbitant fee. Instead, I have to wait until the 2-year contract is up & then, due to life circumstances beyond my control, it has always turned out to be inconvenient for me to switch carriers & I inevitably get coerced into agreeing to another 2-year contract in order to get a decently-priced service plan.

Being a customer of Sprint PCS is like being an employee in a company town: You can never leave, because you always owe something to the company store!

To sum: I've been overpaying for years for cell phone service that is next to useless. I couldn't even use my cell phone to call the fire department when my car was on fire & I lost the car as a result!

I would like Sprint PCS to refund all the fees I have paid to them since moving to California & I would like them to replace the car that burned up.
Donny March 16, 2009
I went to Best Buy in Willmar, MN and upgraded mine and my girlfriends phone and to see about getting our plans joined. While there the cellular rep went over the different plans available for the family plan. So, of course with her and I trying to budget our money, we decided to go with their cheapest plan which was Talk Share 700 plan for $69.99 and then he pointed out that Unlimited text messaging was $10.00 to cover the first two phones in the plan and each phone of course would be additional. Also for unlimited data to cover the first two phones WITH unlimited picture messaging which would be included with the data was only $20.00 to cover both phones. So, we figured that was $99.99 plus taxes was still cheaper then her and I having our individual plans.

So, we decided to go for it. After careful searching he found out he was not able to do it, so I asked him if he could call Sprint then and have them walk him through it or he could walk them through it and get us squared away. He called Sprint and sat on the phone with the rep for about approximately 5 minutes and got a line of bull telling him that we had to wait 3-5 business days for a call back in order to join the accounts and that we would each get an individual phone call to confirm the changes.

I was like, this is bull crap because every other company I have ever been with would do the changes right then and there as long as both people were available of course to confirm the changes. I could not figure out what the purposes were to wait 3-5 business days. Well, he got off the phone and told us that. I was like 'WHAT!?' That is so bogus.

So, I called back to Sprint and asked them what the deal was? They claimed some other department handles the change of ownership calls. I was like, 'then just transfer me to that department so we can get this squared away.' She was like, 'I can't do that sir. Company policy states that we have to follow procedure and procedure is 3-5 business days. I told the lady, that with working two full-time jobs, going to school FT, and my girlfriend doing the same that we barely get to see each other and when we do it is after business hours. I told her that this is the most convenient time because we are not allowed to answer our phones at our jobs or during class time.

I got so frustrated with the lady because she was very uncooperative and getting snobby with me, so I dished it right back at her. By the time I was done, I told her that if we miss the phone call and have to wait 3-5 business days again, that there is going to be some real serious problems. She didn't care what so ever. I hung up the phone on her. Then I asked the guy (Best Buy rep) if he could just get her and I set up on individual plans which are the same and then get us the discounts on the phones. He said he could but needed to have it verified through sprint. So, I called sprint back and spoke to another rep and he set up the plans and then the Best Buy guy got us the discounts on the phones.

All was squared away and all we had to do was wait for Sprint's Change of Ownership department to call us back to get the phones joined on to one account. Well the next day a rep tried calling my girlfriend's phone while she was in class. Just as I hoped that WOULD NOT do, but they did. She was unable to answer the phone and therefore she missed the call.

The rep left a message, but we wanted to make sure my girlfriend and I were together at the change of ownership so we could make sure everything got squared away right.

Well we could not call the rep back same day, so we decided to get together on my works lunch the next day and make the call. I called the number that the rep left on the voicemail and spoke to a lady on there and told her the situation. She then got the two accounts joined into one. Then I asked her if she could set us up on the family plan. She went ahead and did so.

Next, I asked her to make sure she added the unlimited data plan and unlimited text messaging along with the unlimited picture mail that was included with the data plan. I told her what we were quoted from the best buy rep. She said, yes she will get that squared away. Therefore, I assumed everything was taken care and squared away.

Later that same day or shall I say night I came home and thought I would check out our account online to see how they had it squared away. Come to find out, I was being charged for my data plan at 2182 KB at 65.46 in charges.

Also, some apparent kids channel I was being charged for as well for 9.99.

I was getting upset again with Sprint and called them back. I asked them why I was being billed for data charges and that I want them removed because I was suppose to be on a data plan that should have prevented them charges. The rep tells me I was never placed on any data plan and then apparently it was 20.00 per phone to cover data charges. I was like excuse me? I was not quoted that from the best buy rep and I never had any disagreement from that lady who said she was going to square it away.

I asked to speak to the supervisor again and got the complete run around from the supervisor as well. This went on and on for about 20 minutes at least until I got so irritated and frustrated that I asked to speak to someone higher than the supervisor. The supervisor claimed that there was no one higher than her to transfer to. So, I asked: ' You are telling me that there is no one higher than you to speak with so you are the owner of the company?' She said, 'no she was not the owner of the company.' Then I said, 'Well, then there is obviously someone higher than you.'

After about another 10 minutes of disputing it with her, she finally got her floor manager on the phone. He said maybe there was something he could do since he has more authority then the supervisor. He looked into it and after all was said and done I was paying the 20.00 for datat that covered both phones, but apparently I had to pay 15.00 instead of the 10 to cover both phones for unlimited text messaging.

I was ok with it and did not want to deal with it any more so I accepted it. Well, later my girlfriend tells me she was trying to send a picture message, but it was telling her that it was going to cost 20 cents per message. I was like, well I guess I am going to have to call and dispute the issues again.

Upon doing so, they basically wanted to charge me 20.00 per phone for the data plan again and 10.00 extra per phone for picture messaging and then 7.50 per phone for text messaging.

Also at this time I had re-reviewed my account again and fount she was also being charged 7.95 for some channel she never ordered as well. I got all the way up to a supervisor and they apparently told me that they saw no charges on my bill for the data usage, but they could see the charges for the channels. I told them I want all them charges off my account because I never ordered any of them period and I am not paying for them. They claimed they would get it taken care of, but the charges are according to what they said for each of the services even though I was NEVER quoted that from the start.

I mean the Best Buy rep even pointed it out to the both of us and I read that pay chart according to Sprint's layout. It NEVER said PER LINE --- It said for the account itself.

I got so irritated with the supervisor I told her to stick it and I hung up on her. To this day we received a 209.00 phone bill which should be only a little over 100.00. They are still trying to bill us for them wrongful charges and have not removed them what so ever.

I have written the Better Business Bureau about this and am waiting for some return results and I am questioning whether or not to trust the BBB based off some of the issues I have read here on this site.

So, if there is any attorney's or anyone that can help us out with this at no cost or only at a cost if it turns into a lawsuit, then I would greatly appreciate it.

I am sure we are not the only ones being ripped off by this company and I would like to see if we can compile a class action lawsuit against them.

Adam February 24, 2009
Bad service
I have a Sprint Plan that is to include Unlimited Picture Mail. It is true that I can send and receive picture mail. What is NOT true, is that the plan that I'm paying for really gives me unlimited picture mail without any additional charges. Every month my bill changes depending on how many picture mails I send or receive. Every time I get my bill in, I'm getting charged for data charges because I'm using my unlimited picture mail -- that's supposed to be covered in my plan. Nobody at Sprint does anything except want me to upgrade to include data services. If I'm already paying for unlimited picture mail, why should I have to pay extra for using it?
Ronny January 6, 2009
Unauthorized billing
I have been faithfully paying insurance at $6.00 per month since 2004 with increases now up to $7.00 per month. Through the years I have paid close to $450 for insurance and my phone was recently damaged and not able to use.

I just found yesterday (11/7/08) that not only do I have to wait 3-5 business days to receive a new phone, it is refurbished. I have been with Sprint for 10 years now and cannot believe they treat their faithful customers this way!! I had to pay a $50 deductible so that now brings my total payments for insurance up to $500 only to receive a refurbished used phone and have to wait 3-5 business days. Also, if I accidentally hit a button on my phone, it tries to bring up the internet and I am charged $2.00 per minute or for accidentally touching the button. I never go onto the internet on my phone but need it for picture mail.

Sprint has no roll over minutes so your faithfully penalized on a monthly basis. However, the other months I am no where near going over, those minutes are gone. The employees at the Sprint store I went to yesterday (Islip, NY) were rude and very unsympathetic when I explained that I use my phone for business, Per the manager, 'There's nothing we can do to help you!' Not even a I'm sorry, but do you want the refurbished phone or not?

I have one more year on a contract with Sprint and am investigating other carriers as of today.
Ivette January 6, 2009
Unauthorized billing
Today I received a letter in the mail from Sprint. I really didn't think anything of it so I opened it up. I start looking it over and it is telling me about the recent changes I made to my account. I also noticed how my contract had been renewed for 2 more years.

My contract would have been up this upcoming October. I was not sure to whether or not I would actually stay with Sprint because my phone service wasn't really that great.

Anyways, I didn't know why my contract had been extended so I called up Sprint. I was then told that someone made a phone call to Sprint and authorized this change in my account--to sign me up for 2 more years. I have not changed anything in my account, I hadn't even called Sprint in over 6 months.

Well, the first person I talked to asked me what happened and made note of my complaint, 'I did not authorize these changes and I am disputing it.' They then gave me the number to call Fraud Management, so I did. I called and talked to 4 different people. I told each of them my issue, then each of them made me feel as if I was lying, and then they each put me on hold to talk to someone else. After speaking to the final person who also implied that I was lying, he told me that the phone call was made to Sprint and that whoever called, knew my password and was therefore allowed to authorize the change in my service agreement, it was a verbal agreement. I asked them what they were going to do about it, and he replied, 'you need to talk to the person who made the phone call.' How can I talk to the person who made the changes, when I, the account holder did not make ANY changes or when I am calling to put in a fraud complaint on a call I knew nothing about? Then, they said that there was nothing they could do about it, that the contract was valid because of this verbal agreement.

After that, I did ask for the information about the 'so-called' call that was placed to them changing my contract. I wanted to know the date, time, person, and number that called them. The date and time were given, but they did not know the person or number. They claimed that they do not record the phone numbers.

I NEVER called Sprint to make these changes and I would like to know why they are not willing to listen to their customer. If I did not authorize the change, I should not have to live with it. Does anyone know if there is anything I can do? After my experience today, I cannot and will not live with another 2 year agreement with Sprint. Not to mention that the customer service I received was terrible within Fraud Management. Why even have a Fraud Management when they are telling people they are WRONG!!!
Rachel December 8, 2008
Bad service
I have been without a phone from Sprint for a month. They keep bouncing me fromm agent to agent, and now they are charging me for another month, although I have not used their phone and have a well documented complaint with them. They don't want to waive the cancellation fee, although their agent Lauren said they waive cancellation fees when there is poor reception. Their agent Demetre B. has admitted there is bad reception in my home.

They need to waive the $156 bill they are charging me, because I did not use the phone and have 0 minutes used. In addition, they keep promising they will take care of the problem, but now it appears they are stalling so they can keep charging me fees. You see, now Lauren calls me to tell me her Supervisor Kwanza will be on vacation until December. That's preposterous! What about me? I've been without a phone for a month! And they are charging me $156, for not using their phone? And on top of that, they want to charge me $200 for cancelling Sprint! It's preposterous. HELP!
December 1, 2008
I find it interesting how you can have one contract with three lines and be charged an early termination fee per line. When normally it is per contract. It is interesting also to know that sprint automatically renews your contract when you call in and make changes to your account. Every month, you receive your bill it is wrong. There are charges that you didn't authorized, you must call into the provider just to find next month you get the same thing. These are the things my wife and I have put up with for the last three years. Finally fed up we switched providers. But, only to find that sprint is socking us with $450.00 to terminate our contract early. BEWARE, DO NOT SIGN UP FOR SPRINT.
November 27, 2008
Terrible experience
I canceled my phone service with Sprint PCS due to poor service in my calling area. The fee for canceling my contract (which had only 3 months left on it) was $150 per phone. We had 2 phones. (I was under the impression it was $150 to cancel.) I got the bill for $300 and paid the fee over a period of 3 1/2 months. This was around April 2007 or so. When I made the last payment I called Sprint because they were adding late charges to my statement. The woman I spoke w/agreed to remove the late fees. I did not feel I should have to pay exuberant late fees for canceling the service when I was canceling it because they were not providing the service I was paying for. A cancellation fee being late??? Anyway, I don't remember how long after that conversation but probably a month or two later I got a phone call at work regarding an outstanding amount on my account. I explained the situation and the gentleman said he seen where it was to be taken off. About a month later I got another call at work and explained again. The gentleman said he seen what I was talking about and it would be removed. I told him I would appreciate it as I didn't owe it and didn't want them calling me at work.

Months later I get a letter dated May 13, 2008 from AlliedInterstate that they were attempting to collect a debt of $83.10 on behalf of Sprint PCS. I called them the very next day and spoke with Patricia. The letter stated I had to notify them within 30 days that I dispute the validity of the debt. I explained the situation and she told me to fax a letter disputing and explaining. I faxed a letter that day, May 21, 2008.

I had heard nothing so called AlliedInterstate back on July 14, 2008. The woman was rude & all she would tell me was that they had my letter and that 'nothing had been done with it. It was just recorded that a dispute has been received.' I immediately phoned Sprint and spoke w/David. He claims they told me that Sprint did 'write it off'... 'for collection' and they would not budge on it.

I spoken w/three different people at Sprint and each told me it would be taken off and my account cleared. They turn me in to an agency that is as incompetent as they are. As of October 28, 2008 I have still not heard from AlliedInterstate regarding the dispute, nor from Sprint.

Since all this, my sister-in-law and other people I know were let out of their contracts free of charge due to poor service. If only I'd have waited a little longer... I'd have saved $300 and not had this craziness going on over $83 in late fees.

My advise to anyone researching a new cell phone service is to steer clear of Sprint PCS.
November 23, 2008
My mother was the main account holder on my family's plan with Sprint. When she passed away in September 2007, we called to have her line removed from the plan and switch the main account holder to my step father. Should have been simple. Instead, we were told we needed to pay the disconnection fee on my mother's phone. Every time we called we were on hold with customer service for no less than 45 minutes. After we finally got everything figured out, or so we thought, we started recieving TWO bills a month because they had created a new account for us. Long story short, we have been dealing with their poor customer service TO THIS DAY (Nov 2008!) and the situation still has not been resolved. Finally we were given the "executive customer service" number, where we were treated like celebrities. I may post that online for all to use in the future, we all deserve the same service - especially if we are PAYING customers!!

I am now a happy Verizon customer and will never switch back. I hope sprint dies with our economy.
November 13, 2008
Hidden Charges strike again
If you are having a problem with hidden charges on your Sprint cell phone bill and they are ignoring you, this may save you many hours of research because I have done it already.

Brief Description of Dispute:

On 10/15/2008, while changing plans from the ($129 Talk/ Message/Data share 1500 plan) to the ($99 Talk/Message share 1500 plan) and replacing a phone on warranty at Sprint, (3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B, Tacoma, Washington 98409), Rep. ID# (532632) failed to put the ($15.00 Vision package) on Phone #1 and block internet usage on the other 3 phones on the contract as I requested several times. This resulted in the following hidden (Overage Additional Casual Usage) charges for Bill Date 10/30/2008:

Phone #1 $75.00

Phone # 2 $75.00

Phone # 3 $19.29

Phone # 4 $6.75


On 11/2/2008 I was shocked when my bill was $316.15. I immediately went to the Sprint store in Tacoma on 3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B, Tacoma, WA. To have these charges removed. I talked to an associate named Teri. She said she added the $15 internet service to phone # 1 and blocked internet usage on the remaining three lines on the contract like I wanted, but she would not remove the $176 worth of previous overage internet access charges. I calmly asked for a resolution and asked for a supervisor but they were busy. I gave Teri a typed copy of my complaint to give to her supervisor. I was told that I would get a call back, but no one has contacted me. Even though I have been very polite, professional and calm, I have been ignored by Sprint management. When I call customer service, I get the run-around on the phone. I get put on hold a long time to talk to people who barely understand or speak English. To avoid filing a case with the Better Business Bureau I mailed requests to settle this dispute to the following Sprint addresses:


3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B,

Tacoma, Washington 98409


6391 Sprint Parkway

Overland ParkWay, KS.


Board Communications Designee

Sprint Nextel Corporation

6200 Sprint Parkway

Overland ParkWay, KS.


Sprint PCS

P.O. Box 8077

London, Kentucky 40742

No one contacted me. I took the next step and filed a complaint

through the Better Business Bureau online http://welcome.bbb.org/ 11/10/08.

BBB of Greater Kansas City (Kansas City, MO)
8080 Ward Parkway, Suite 401
Kansas City, MO 64114
Phone: (816)421-7800
Fax: (816)472-5442

File complaint to: www.bbb.org
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.kansascity.bbb.org

As you read the detailed version of this dispute, you will realize how much time and resources it took to get all the phones on one family plan that works well for us. I filed this report as a last resort effort to help Sprint understand that they should remove the $176.00 and taxes if applicable.

Detailed Version:

The purpose of this letter is to inform the public how Sprint takes advantage of their customers by allowing hidden charges to aquire while making it difficult to remove them. We want to continue using Sprint services and maintain a positive business relationship but Sprint’s failure to resolve the following dispute is causing me to take definite and complete action. Removing $176 worth of hidden overage charges and taxes if applicable will resolve this issue. An associate forgot to add the $15 internet plan to one phone and block internet access on the others as I requested. This resulteed in $176.04 of hidden overage charges applied in less than 30 days. When I went back to the store, they corrected the problem to prevent future charges, but they would not remove the previous charges. I feel like my case is being ignored so I am writing to various sprint offices, filing a dispute with the Better Business Bureau, sending this dispute to every online consumer protection service I can find, and getting ready to file with the FCC and Attorny General to see if Sprint’s obvious mistake can be reversed. I would rather have good relations like I have had for years with Sprint, but their failure to communicate is forcing diligent, professional, and legal action.

My wife and I have been loyal Sprint customers for several years. We have never missed payments and have kept lines of communication open. We have completed most of our transactions through “Sprint” on 3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B, Tacoma, WA. because we use to think that the employees there were helpful and professional. It is unfortunate that customer relations are sacrificed over a simple obvious mistake of $176.04

This is an attempt to help the public settle similar disputes and stop Sprint from taking advantage of their customers by following an action plan to stop hidden charges.

Action Plan

11/3/2008 Send notification to letter to Sprint store in Tacoma on 3702 S. Fife S

Tacoma, Wa. to express intent to settle dispute and avoid third party

involvement. (Complete)

11/4/2008 Request Board Communications Designee to forward complaint to appropriate

groups within Sprint for processing and response. (Complete)

11/5/2008 Send letter to Sprint PCS in London, Kentucky. (Complete)

11/6/2008 Communicating with several media groups that have expressed their interest

in this complaint. (In Progress)

11/10/2008 Filing Complaint with Better Business Bureau (Complete, Complaint #7208320)

11/11/2008 Notify all Sprint Departments in this action plan of B.B.B. case # (In Prgress)

11/12/2008 Posting complaint in www.consumeraffairs.com/cell_phones/sprint_pcs.htm

and five other consumer protection medias. (In progress)

12/11/2008 File complaint with Federal Communications Division (If not resolved by B.B.B.)

esupport.fcc.gov/complaints.htm (Gathering Info)

12/12/2008 Filing complaint through Attorney General (If not resolved by B.B.B. or FCC)


Detailed Summary of Dispute:

On Aug. 15, 2008, my wife took a Blackberry in because it was not working correctly. During the conversation with Rep. ID# (532632), it was noted that we would save money and have unlimited messaging by switching from the Fair-Flex Family 2500 plan to the $99 Talk/Message Share 1500 plan because we don’t use that many minutes. My wife asked for a copy of the detailed contract but instead she was verbally reassured that all phones including the blackberry would be on the plan.

We were expecting a bill of an approximate amount of $130 but when the bill was posted, it was approximately $117 higher. The Blackberry Phone was still on the Fair-Flex Family 2500 plan. It had not been switched over to the .

On 9/1/2008, I called the Tacoma store, on 3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B, Tacoma, WA. There was not an answer, perhaps the store was closed because it was Labor Day; nevertheless, there was not an answer so I preceded to call Sprint Phone Service. Rep ID # 439136 at Sprint Services insisted that I switch the Blackberry Phone to the Blackberry 450 plan to at least lower the bill some. Her persuasive conversation insisted that this would be the best plan, so I agreed. She said “only the store I purchased the $99 Talk/Message Share 1500 Family plan from would be able to put the Blackberry Phone on that plan. ”It was understood that the Blackberry 450 plan was only temporary until I was able to go to the store in Tacoma and have the Blackberry Phone changed to the $99Talk/Message Share 1500 plan.

On 9/6/2008 my wife went to the Tacoma store and talked to Rep. ID# (532632). She apologized and said she would fix the problem by putting the Blackberry Phone on the $99Talk/Message Share 1500 Family plan and made an adjustment to the account, which brought the bill down to approximately $126.

On 10/13/2008 I took the Blackberry Phone in for the 3rd time because of problems and another one is on order now. I also noticed that my bill was approximately $100 over last moths bill. The Blackberry was still on the Blackberry 450 plan. It was not switched to the $99Talk/Message Share 1500 plan as promised. Nicholas, Rep ID# 532635 said that they could not put a Blackberry on that plan and switched all phones to the $129 Talk/Message/Data Share 1500 plan. He said this was the only alternative that would lower my bill. It lowered the bill by $5, so my bill was still approximately $100 over original estimate and $60 over the original Fair-Flex Family 2500 plan we were on before Sprint representatives insisted that the changes would lower my bill to start with. Finally, all four phones were on the same plan, but it was not the plan that was promised. It was a plan that cost $100 more a month and gave us services we do not use often.

On 10/15/2008 I went to the Sprint store in Tacoma on 3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B, Tacoma, WA. And asked to resolve these issues. I talked to Rep. ID# (532632) again. I stated that I wanted a fair settlement to avoid filing a case through the Better Business Bureau. An agreement was made by replacing the broken BlackBerry with a phone that was compatible with the $99Talk/Message Share 1500 plan. I told her that I wanted the $15.00 internet service on my phone (#1) only. Internet access on the other 3 phones should have been blocked!

On 11/2/2008 I was shocked because my bill was $316.15. After spending much time analyzing the bill, I realized Rep. ID# (532632) failed to put the ($15.00 Vision package) on phone number 1 and she did not block internet usage on the other 3 phones on the contract as I requested. This resulted in the following (Overage Additional Casual Usage) charges for Bill Date 10/30/2008:

Phone #1 $75.00

Phone # 2 $75.00

Phone # 3 $19.29

Phone # 4 $6.75


I immediately went to the Sprint store in Tacoma on 3702 S. Fife St. Ste. B, Tacoma, WA. To have these charges removed. I talked to Teri. She said she added the $15 internet service to phone # 1 and blocked internet usage on the remaining three lines on the contract like I wanted, but she would not remove the $176.04 worth of previous hidden overage charges. I calmly asked for a resolution so I would not have to file a case with the Better Business Bureau but no progress was made.

I believe it is very obvious that these dilemmas are a fault of Sprint and I have professionally attempted numerous times to resolve these issues. I believe I have been fair, professional and very patient to settle this dispute without third party involvement but Sprint has failed to recognize this.

Settlement Request

Remove the following charges from my bill:

Phone #1 $75.00

Phone # 2 $75.00

Phone # 3 $19.29

Phone # 4 $6.75


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