Sprint PCS
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Category: Electronics
Contact Information 1559 Decatur Ave, United States
Phone number: 386589-4802
Sprint PCS Reviews
November 4, 2008
Dishonest Billing & Miss-Leading Sales Practices
Every month is a Ordeal with Sprint PCS they attach False charges to our accounts, One month we did even use our phones because we were away in the mountains, where our family's Sprint does even have services. One time we were in Oweyhee, NV, I called from my friend landline, and one of Sprint Rep. said i was calling from my Sprint mobile phone. I told that i was not and the Sprint represent called me a liar, and eveyone's knows there is nt Sprint Service in Oweyhee, Nevada on the Native American Reservation. (its a dead zone) . it a constant battle. . There sails tactic dishonest and, They defraud thousands of dollars from unsuspecting consumer who do not examine there monthly bill closely for errors, and with assistant with Sprint Reps. in there Billing Departments with a "god like absolute complex" that Sprint PCS can do no wrong.. We have just had there service for little under year and had to file 2 Better Business B. Complaint.
File BBB Oct 21st.
1) i called Sprint and Inquired about a mobile broadband for macintosh apple computer, i was anwser by a Sales Representive from oustide the USA, She told us that she found a usb broadband "sierra wireless compass" modem that worked with macintosh (she did alot reaseach to help, 2) Then the Sale Rep. said she would wave the activation fee, and reduce the price of the Sierra wireless compass" modem to $24.99 and that she sign us up for the Sprint Mobile Unlimited Broadband service for 49.95 for unlimited data usage with a 1 year agreement. The date that this took place was October 7th, 2008 and the USB modem got here October 9th, 2008. The Sprint representive had already activate the modem came to us already activated (plug-in-play).. 3) We called the Sprint customer service on October 10th 2008( with in the USA.) and they told us that something different that it was only, told by the Filipio Sprint Representive. We told that we only get 5 Gigs of data not unlimited and 2 years contract( USA Sprint Rep.), that Sprint had changes to there services on October 10th 2008. So we hang up and call back again and by change get a Sprint Rep. from the Filipians which tell us that we have Unlimited Data usage not 5 Gigs. So i got our account online click Usage and It state in black and white that we had the Unlimited Data Plan for 1 year not Sprint Rep, called her supervisor from the USA and she said that Sprint had change there mobile broadband plan and that they the did not let the Representive outside of the USA know. But that i we were on the unlimited plan. 5) ON OCTOBER 19, 2008, i got a nasty call from Sprint say owed activation fee, and we charge more than double for the USB Sierra Wireless Modem, and equipment insurance, all kind ot false charges. Please help me get this account straight.
October 31, 2008
Bad service
Sprint's Unlimited KB Wireless Broadband Service is in-fact a 5 gb service. there is noting unlimited about it. False advertising and bait and switch tactics! Here is my emails and their replies; http://sprint-wireless-broadband.blogspot.com/
October 24, 2008
Billing after service ended
My current account with you is billed electronically automatically.
I ended my account for phone # 614-678-1152 a long time ago. After I closed the account I received a bill from you guys saying that I still owed money, even though I closed the account. I paid that bill with you guys telling me the account was closed and there would not be any more bills. Then months later I received another bill and again I inquired how I was getting billed when the account was closed and you guys said it was before the account was closed which I inquired why would I pay my ending balance and there still be a balance after the account closed. Without it making any sense as to why I was billed I paid it off to be done with. Then a couple of months pass and again I receive a bill, this time I'm pretty sure after two times there is no way I still owe money to you for a closed account that I repeatedly paid for and was told both times there was not any more balances due. So I call the collection agency and the guy threatens me with ruining my credit report and that Sprint is a large company that I can't fight. I tell him there is no way I owe any more money so he supposably tranfers me to Sprint. The sprint lady says I do have a remaining balance and I tell her that is not possible and she comes back and says it is from a balance before the account was closed, which by the way I was automatically billed to my credit card so there is no way I could have an outstanding balance, let alone twice. Now I am getting another bill, which there is no way I am paying this one.
September 26, 2008
Scam charges
I am not pleased with the customer service I received from Sprint. My husband and I updated our phone in July of 2008, he chose the Instinct and I the palm Treo. At the time of the update we were not informed of the special package needed to operate the Instinct phone. We discovered the problem when we tried to activate the phone. We needed the talk/message/Data Share Plan to activate the instinct phone. I was going to exchange the phone for one that would work with our free and flex plan when we were told the new plan would only cost 129.99 and that all our phones would be covered by the plan. My cell phone bill would not go up more than 10.00 under the new plan. Imagine my surprise when my bill came for September and it was a whopping 192.78 a total of 29.25 more than my previous plan. I called Sprint Customer Service and was told that because we had 3 phone lines under the new plan the third line would cost a whopping 19.99 per month. Now keep in mind I have been with Sprint Since 1997 and have had the same 3 phone line since 2001, and the third phone is a basic phone with no data capabilities. After a lengthy conversation with one of Sprints Customer service Representative I felt that we were getting nowhere so I asked to speak to a manager I was immediately put on the sprint hold of death; after 1 hour went by I was given to another customer services representative not a manger or any one from the sprint retention office only to be told the same thing. I am now locked into a two year plan with sprint but you can best bet your life as soon as this plan is up I will go to a different Cell phone company. Buyer Be-ware.
August 31, 2008
Monthly charges after cancellation
I cancelled service on my cell phone on 5/27/08... just four days passed the billing cycle. I was not under contract and had used zero minutes in the 4 days. Sprint cancelled my phone but billed me for the entire month. How can they NOT provide service and still charge. Since I wasn't under contract shouldn't it have been prorated? And if not... they should have told me this and I could have USED the phone for the entire month and called back to cancel on 6/19/08. Is this legal and can they DO this? I can't get anyone at Sprint to help above Customer Service who just tells me this is policy. When I get transferred to a manager I hold for over an hour and no one ever picks up. HELP!!!
August 26, 2008
Today was the latest in a long list of issues I have had with Sprint. Sprint's customer service is the worst I have EVER experienced--it is as if they are doing you a favor by even picking up the phone.
After repeatedly confirming my "contract expiry" date of 11/2007 (they messed up my contract expiration date repeatedly, which caused me to be very cautious about documenting conversations, etc.), I finally cut my ties and ported my phone # to another carrier only to receive a bill today for $200+ for "early termination fees."
I phoned them, got no where with a customer service rep who argued my contract expired in 2010 - so I spoke with a supervisor. The supervisor, Chris - whose ID # is FA40197 was beligerent and would not stop talking long enough for me to correct him about the issue with my account. He constantly spoke OVER me. He finally did explain that he had reversed the charge... but then went on to explain that he was "trying to educate me about why I was charged." Are you kidding me? How is EVER telling a customer you are trying to EDUCATE them ever a good idea <particularly for a mistake SPRINT made>? I then asked about an apology -- he simply repeated, "I have credited your account." This infuriated me that he refused to apologize so I persisted. I then repeated that they had messed up my account and charged me in error and so he reversed the charge -- doesn't that entitle me to an apology. This guy again dodged giving me an apology. Like his reversing the charge for their mistake WAS MY FAULT? Uh, no. I then repeated it again, asking him if he thought I was at least entitled to a simple "my apologies" - he finally relented and apologized.
I have spent no less than 12 hours (cumulative) on the phone with sprint since Dec 2007 - when I bought and returned a phone without ever having activated it. Apparently, they do not know how to handle that -- I had made no change to my account, had not interrupted my service, nothing. Yet, it took 4 months to get credit for the returned phone, 1/2 dozen phone calls to straighten out the fact that since I had returned the phone, they canNOT extend my contract, several calls to try and get the refund owed me for the returned phone, and then another 1/2 dozen calls 2 months later when they accidentally cancelled / inactivated my account for apparently no reason (completely without reason, totally their fault). They even put my # (my primary business phone is my cell #) into their aging system and it took them several days to re-coup the #. And, when they re-activated my phone (because of their error), they took the liberty to extend my contract for 2 years from the re-activation date in February 2008. Over the next few months -- through June I called repeatedly to confirm my contract expired in November 2007 and that it was noted on the account.
Each and every time I have dealt with Sprint--with probably only 1 exception--I have had an absolute customer service nightmare.
These folks behave as though they are the only game in town. I am so sick of sprint, I have made other family members switch their service from Sprint to another carrier -- customer service from any other carrier (including a can/string operation) could never be as horrendous as Sprint's. In my experience, you must document everything and chase every dollar they owe you -- be prepared to spend lots of time on hold (their way of punishing you), prepare to be "accidentally disconnected, " talked "down to, " and treated poorly. I have had dozens of customer service experiences with them (unfortunately) and all but one or two went one of these ways.
Sprint PCS -- a customer service-less nightmare! In my opinion, you should save yourself time and money (and lots of aggravation) by choosing a carrier OTHER than Sprint.
August 26, 2008
Bad service
Where do I begin. I have been a Sprint customer for approximately three years. I was incredibly satisfied with my service until recently - when I actually needed customer service! When I renewed my contract, added a line, and upgraded phones, you would have thought that everyone I talked to, and there were several people, had just started their training as customer service agents. I kid you not, I must have spent 5 hours on three or four different occasions trying to straighten out one customer service blunder after another. Too many phones coming, no order for the phones found, billed several hundred dollars when the upgrades were suppose to be free, etc. I simply couldn't believe the lack of knowledge and the communication breakdown between customer service agents.
Finally, after approximately one month and several hours of phone calls, things finally straightened around. However, my issues were not resolved until I contacted the cancellation department and threatened to leave.
All was wonderful with Sprint for about three weeks, that's when I need them again. Our brand new phones (2 of the 4) started to malfunction. I was pleasantly surprised when they agreed to send two new phones to me, and a return kit for the others. However, little did I know that once again, there was a communication breakdown. The girl only sent me one return kit and told me to put two phones in the mailer. Upon reading the directions, it stated that posivitely only one phone should be enclosed. I called AGAIN and ordered two new return kits (now the first one was ruined), and only received one in the mail. Keep in mind, these phones need to be returned within thirty days or I'm charged for them. So, I ripped open the sealed mailer, recycled it, and returned both phones.
I knew better than to expect proper handling, so before my bank account was deducted for payment(I HAD it on automatic draft), I called Sprint customer service AND utilized the on-line service to double check my statement balance. In both instances, I was reassured that the proper credits had been made and my new corrected balance was $91.00. I decided the day my payment was due to check my bank balance, and low and behold another communication breakdown. My bank account was deducted $453.08. That is $362.08 over what was suppose to come out. When I called, I was told that I would need to wait until it posts (apparently people actually think Sprint will give them money) and then an investigation will ensue. After that, a check will be cut and a refund mailed! It would take approximately 2 weeks to receive my refund!
I don't know about anyone else out there, but I'm a teacher. $362.00 is a lot of money. I am now concerned about checks bouncing and bills not getting paid.
Let me tell you, I wilto stay with Sprint until my contract expires, but I'm stuck. It's only because I'm stuck. If their customer service doesn't improve, I will be sure to keep spreading the word, and I encourage others to do the same. The more we get this out, the less others will have to deal with such inadequacy.
I can't imagine who's teaching their customer service representatives, but I think they had better find someone else. This is despicable.
I intend to call corporate tonight. I was given two numbers and they are as follows: 703 433 4000 and 913 794 0000. As of this point, I don't know if they're legitimate, but I hope it helps. Maybe if we start calling corporate then they'll hire more competent trainers.
August 25, 2008
PCS steals from it's customers
On Dec 9 I post dated a check for Dec. 14 in the amount of $136.47 over the phone w/a service rep.On Dec 12 I called and told a rep I wanted to cancel that check and I would pay the amount and then some w/a credit card. rep said ok, took payent and said he noted the check was cancelled and that I had to cancel it w/my bank. I did so on the 13th. On the 19 sprint used a false check number to withdraw the funds w/o authirazation and I encurred a $25 NSA fee.They are giving me the run around about returning this money to me. I have spent 2 days on the phone and in stores trying to resolve this and they say that a case is open, but over the phone they say it's closed.I have all the documentation to prove that this was a falsafied check number. They took money out of my account w/o permission and will not return it.
August 14, 2008
Bad service
It is with great regret I must write to you. My experience with your company in the past 3 days has been absolutely horrible. Let me begin with the timeline of your companyÃ�¢??s consistent incompetence. I have had a Nextel account for approximately 5 years. The reason I chose Nextel is my employer is the Department of Homeland Security. I originally signed a 2 year contract. I kept Nextel after my contract expired as I thought with the merger, service would improve. For the past couple of weeks, I have been having serious problems with my phone. I went to a corporate service center located in Oakbrook, IL and was greeted with, sorry we canÃ�¢??t help you, you have a government account. Beside the other rude comments that were made to me, I left. I then called customer care, and was somewhat helped and advised to upgrade my phone. On Tuesday, 9-18-07, I contacted Customer Care and decided to upgrade and sign a 2 year contract again. After spending close to 2 hours on the phone with your agent, all details were worked out. My new IC902 Deluxe hybrid phone would arrive on Wed. 9-20 by FedEx, which I requested and agreed to pay for shipping. I did this as I needed a dependable phone and was leaving for Washington, DC on Friday for meetings. On Wednesday, nothing arrived. On Thursday, 9/20 FedEx delivered a box containing a I920 phone. I immediately contacted Customer care, and was told by DaSilva sorry, weÃ�¢??ll send out the correct phone overnight and you should have it by 10AM on 9/21. She promised me she would email me all of the particulars and call me back to confirm everything. Not receiving an email, or a phone call, I contacted customer care later in the day. I was appalled that nothing ever happened. There was no record of any order, and there was nothing in my account record of the correct phone being processed and shipped. Amanda then proceeded to correct the problem. I was then told, the new phone would arrive on 9/21. Well, here it is Friday, 9/21 and no phone. I called Customer care again and was told the phone was shipped but would not arrive until 9/22 and it was coming UPS, not FedEx. I was assured I would get it Sat. 9/22. I then went to the UPS distribution center, and was informed the phone had not even been shipped as of 1300 on 9/21 and at the earliest it would arrive on Monday, 9/24 sometime before 3pm. This is unacceptable. I have contacted Sprint more times in the past 3 day, than in 5 years. I could not get any help from anyone. Then, the only help I got was empty promises- one after another. Not only was one error made, but many others to follow. I still do not have the phone I ordered, and have been told Oh well, sorry. ThereÃ�¢??s nothing we can do about it now. When it gets there, it gets there. Now I am sure, that this is not your way of doing business at the corporate level. I do know, if someone that I work with, at my agency makes a mistake and lets a bomb on and aircraft, there are no second chances. This situation has been one mistake after another and nobody cares. I cannot get any help from anyone, other than being transferred from one person to another. I sit here feeling helpless and taken advantage of and cannot trust anything, anyone from your company tells me. Please advise me what else I can do, or someone that can help me get the phone I ordered ASAP! Your prompt response is greatly appreciated.
After sending this email, I was contacted immediatly Mon. AM by corporate. WOW, I guess going to the CEO is the only way things get done in this company. I was offered a 50% discount on the purchase price of the phone.
11/27- Sprint Cut my service off. I contacted executive services and my service was suspended for non-payment. Come to find out my account was never credited for the returned phone. My bill was over$600. Charges were on there for services and items I never ordered. Adjustments were to be made and they would get back to me.
12/4- Phone service cut off again. Contacted sprint. After being transferred to 5 different people, I was told, they didn't care what corporate says and would not restore my service until I Paid 175.00. The saga continues. I have called Sprint more times in the past three months than I had called Nextel in 5 years. Sprint's customer service is the worst. I am considering a new carrier and consulting legal counsel. Maybe the other 50% discount should be in store for all this trouble. Most businesses don't get second and third chances to correct their shortcomings.
August 14, 2008
Bad service
The last letter(bill) that I have received from Sprint is on november 25, 2007.
It indicates my account number and the amount due is $227.19
It's surprising as I have never had a "phone service" from Sprint!
I just purchased a Sony VAIO Notebook several months ago while I activated an offer for one month free of Sprint Mobile broadband service on this notebook.
Actually the first week that I used this service, I wasn't satisfied with it so I called and asked for cancellation of this trial service. They confirmed the cancellation.
Thereafter, I received a bill to pay for the Sprint "phone service"!!! Again I called and talked to Sprint customer service and explained that I don't have a Sprint phone at all and I don't have this service anymore after the first week of your one month free and trial offer. I clearly explained that I have already canceled this service. They said that they are sorry by misunderstanding and they said that they will correct their mistake.
Surprisingly again, I received another bill next month!!! I visited a Sprint store near to our home:
550 W Roosevelt Rd
Chicago, IL 60607
I explained all this and the representative checked my account and assured me that they will take care of problem.
Again, I received another bill the month after for the Sprint "Phone Service"!!! I called the Sprint customer service and I talked to them at least one and half hour and they finally assured me that my account balance is zero and they apologized for their mistake. I asked them to send me by mail a confirmation as my account with sprint is terminated and the account balance is zero and they assured me that the will do that.
Now again I have received two letters as "DISCONNECTION IMMINENT!" for the Sprint "phone service"!!!
It has been very much disturbing and troublesome for me repeatedly calling Sprint customer service and explaining all this all the time for the Sprint "Phone service" and the service that I have never had.
For sure this has had a negative effect on my credit and I am going to bring up this case to the court unless receiving an immediate official response of an confirmation correcting Sprint mistake.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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