On 4-21-11 i Stefon ordered a phone from radio shack, the phone is the 4G epic phone by sprint for $49.99.On this date i confirmed that i would pay a shipment fee of $9.95 TO RECIEVE MY NEW PHONE ON 4-27-11.On 4-22-11 Radio Shack confirmed that on 4-27-11 i would recieve this phone by FedX.The phone never came after waiting all day.Later on that evening i called Radio Shack to see what happened to my phone, Radio Shack notifed this writer that my phone was out of stock at this time.The Representative whom name is Gilbert (no numbers just Gilbert) to this writer that "The phone was not in stock'.So i went over detail to Gilbert what happened and he told me their was nothing he could do for me.So i aske Glbert was their a phone of the same value or maybe a phone i could pay a little bit more for and the phone is just as good. Gilbert told me about all the free phone sprint had.So i asked gilbert if the phones he was telling me about was it as good as the Epic? He said
"That these are the phones sprint is offering he also stated the
epic was $19.99 at this time but out of stock.So i asked can i get that phone for $19.99 instead of $49.99.Gilbert stated if you want the phone for $19.99 you will have to cancel out your order, and re-order .but i would lose my place for the phone, so i said ill keep the order the sameso can keep my place, I asked Gilbert can radio shack cut out the shipping fee for my inconvience, being that it was to be shipped on 4-27-11.GILBERT said i was asking for to much.? WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO CUSTOMER SERVICE? What ever happened to trying to make the customer happy?Now to is 5-01-11 and i still dont have a phone, I also have an existing phone number and no phone maybe ill lose my old phone number do to the delay.this s a very sad story and it needs your immediate attention from a very unhappy cutomer.