ive been with nextel and sprint for over 8 yrs and never used my insuranse and now that i needed their telling me that i have to send
my contract of when i purshade my phone and thats been like 3 or 4 yrs ago its been more than a month that i reported that it felt from my hands and when i closed the door from my car i goted with the door and it broked it and since then ive been calling sprint and when i tell the represent that i want to talk to the manager they say that his going to tell me the same thing. and they hang up on me for about
10 to 12 times and for last i called the corporate office of nextel sprint they couldnt help me either i think that they should let us know
that signal insurance requiers us to keep the contract of our cell phones for so many yrs i would apriciate if someone who reads this could
advice me of what to do next thank you