On 5-08-08 I changed my plan to "Power Pack Family Plan" which thru MANY reps via the phone I expected 1400 minutes for 89.00. Next was unlimited texting for 15.00. Both phones are free roaming and free 7 pm evenings and weekends. I didn't want internet on either phone.
I received the new phone and we set it up. My roommate (the new phone) was to keep his same number. That didn't happen without several phones and a day later.
I spoke with a supervisor about the total bill i could be expecting. The total I was $113.99 including all taxes.
On 6-16-08 my bill arrived------301.68!!! No way could I pay that as I am on a fixed income. I called the *2 on my existing phone and a man answered. I could just barely understand him since he had a very hard accent.
I went to the store. The salesman pulled up my account. the bill was brought down to 183.16 (I still owe $20.16) that i can't afford.
Next month is to be $136.00. Where the heck did the $113.99 go? If I shut off both phones and go to month by month with another company it would cost a mere $64.00 per phone. The shut off fee is $200.00 per phone. HELLO-I am on a fixed income!!! I can't cancel my 2 year plan but as God is my witness in two years I will have new plan with a different company unless I see my bill drop back to what was promised on 5-08-08, the total price of $113.99, no extra charges, 1400 minutes, free roaming, 7 pm evenings and weekends and unlimited texting.