BSNL Number 044-22322080 and 044-22328349 which are phone numbers printed in the sridar gas agency bill for booking LPG gas. the phone numbers are always engaged they are making the phones as engaged always.. so im not able to book my gas from last week onwards. so i made the complaint through toll free number 1800 2333 555 the compliant number 79209. dated 6/10/10. more over i sent one sms for book my gas through 9841693753 so far no reply. for their bussiness comunication they are using other phone numbers and they are make the above mentioned BSNL phone numbers as always busy. kindly solve the problems. im facing this problem every month. my consumer number 30528. sridar gas agency 7/19 marrison first st, alandur chennai-16. reply plz
thanking you P.gowri ammal
2/40 dharma raja
koil st, alandur
email-id: [email protected]