I was in Chennai for a project for HCL Chennai on old Mahabalipuram Road between May and July. During my stay in Chennai my wife took a test at SSI Adyar Education center (6th Floor, Gokul Archade). It was COMPTIA Essential and IT Technician (220-601 & 220-602).We paid two cheques of Rs 6615/- to Mr. Sabri (Mobile: 9840448787)and Seena (Mobile:9962055191), It was paid through ICICI Bank and cheque numbers are: 441343 & 441344 paid to: INFOCUS
Upon completion of the test, Ms Seena & Sabri told my wife to collect the score sheet next day due to printer failure, and the Computer also has to be taken to SSi Limited at Vadapalani to upload the result to Database. We trusted her and my wife went the very next day to collect the mark sheet. We got the mark sheet but it was a fake one. We couldn�t identify the fake score sheet until it was submitted to the Comptia USA to get the original cert.
We contacted Mr. Sabri and Ms. Seena tell them about the fake mark sheet, they got scared and stop attending our phone calls. After sometime we got a email from Mr. Saravanan E-mail id: iio_chennai AT yahoo.com. As per him, it takes sometime for them to upload the data and he assured that he will be able to arrange certificates in 45 days.
It�s very obvious that they are really making up some story.
Finally, when we talked about taking them to court or complain to police, they offered that somebody else will sit for the exam and certificate will be on my wife�s name. Next week we received a phone call mentioning that somebody tried to do the exam for my wife twice and failed to clear, so we will never be able to get money back now. As you can see that we have always been given some or other story during the whole transaction so that we don�t go against them. But, now they are not even attending our phone calls.