Man, do I feel dumb. I never thought I could fall for such misleading website.
I like many others wanted to purchase stamps from the ease of my computer. I also thought printing stamps at home was a nice alternative to driving to the post office. I typed in STAMPS as a search and I got It looks very official with the US Post Office LOGO. (I actually thought it was the US Post Office site) What doesen't tell you as you are entering your credit card number is that this is only a post office authorized service and you are signing up for a monthly, very invisible on the site service. You will begin being billed every month with a base rate (no clue how that is calculated) that includes every additional cost credited to that account. I luckily looked at my credit card statement and found what I thought was a $15.99 unauthorized charge. I had to search my memory as to what I might have done to get this charge and remembered the stamps. (They don't give you any hint that you have signed up for a service as reputable sites do). I went to the website and found their cancellation phone number. They were polite when I told them I guess I had signed up for this service in error. I got immediate cancellation and a confirmation number plus an e-mailed final statement. Be careful when you give out your credit card number. You may get more than you asked for. (From their website the following) To close your account, please contact Customer Support at 1-888-434-0055, Monday - Friday, 6 am - 6pm (PST). Thank you for your patience.