Carmen Hawes
February 27, 2011
Fraud committed by a number of employees whose names and evidence of their fraudulent acts are in my claim file
I agree with the gentlemen who stated that the Stand ard Insurance Company of Portland Oregon should be banned from writing disabilty policies. I also think the Oregon Attorney General's office should prosecute a number of the Standard employees who knowingly participate in and practice fraudulent claim denial tactics to defraud legitimate claimants out of their benefits. I have a list of some of these dishonest employees from my claim file and I intend to add them and their actis of fraud to my future postings on this website and other consumer advocate websites . First I need to consult with an attorney to find out if I can do this. Is my understanding that I can as long as my statements are truhtful, but I will make sure. And if I can, I will expose the names of every Standard employee and their specific act of fraud committed against me. These employees are hired theives for the Standard and they need to be exposed and perhaps prosecuted before they will stopped commiting fraud for a paycheck and benefits. Until these employees are exposed and prosecuted, these insurance companies will continue to defraud their customers. Victims of this company need to start pressuring the Oregon Attorney General's office to prosecute the corporate officers at the Standard and then go after claim employees and those corrupt employees in the legal department who are violating the Codes of Conduct of the Oregon State Bar Association by directing and spear heading this fradulent behavior. I have evidence in my claim file that shows that their in-house legal counsel is closely involved in the fraud, lying and bad faith claim denial tactics.