Myself and my husband signed an agreement with A-1 Leasing, compliments of Start-up Essentials over 2 years ago. 7-8 months after that agreement, the lap-top they issued crashed. I took it into Best Buy who said it would be easier to buy a new one. I faxed this report plus a cancellation notice to this company.
I just received a call, today, from a representative of A-1 Leasing named Tina at ext. 0314. She blatently expressed that this was not her problem, she didn't care, and I was to pay or suffer the consequences. She also mentioned that there were a couple thousand other people that felt that way at one point in the conversation.
I am appaulled that a company can take such great advantage of consumers in this fashion and am even more appaulled that they are allowed to.
With this many compaints, how is it that this can happen?