So let me get this straight. As an insurance provider you want to sell your products, services, and policies to your customers until you decide its too risky to provide insurance. Hmm, isn't your business model based on risk and reward? Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. It sounds as if the organization could use a business coach on how to make good business decisions that benefit their customers and their shareholders.
"Like a good neighbor statefarm is there" have got to be kidding me! As a 20+ year customer with home and auto policies, and ZERO claims I find it unconscionable that your would hide behind your desks and let the media tell me you are dumping me. What a crock. You should come up with a way to manufacture a non-rechargeable electric car. You've got the list of suckers, I mean customers that bought into your first concept and convincing us you would be there. I'm sure you could sell that car and then have the tow truck driver tell the poor chump that he bought a car that he cant use because the maker decided they were going another direction.before they made a battery charger.
A couple of thoughts. America is such a great place that we allow our 'good neighbor' to say, screw our Florida neighbors, we are only going to sell them our services that offer minimal risks. And to think the state would probably give you a license to sell peaches at a roadside stand just baffles me. Hey, if we are not good enough to buy all of your products, I suggest you load up the uhaul and take the rest with you.
Even though state farm is by far not the cheapest insurer, I have probably turned down thousands of requests to take up others offers and passed up thousands in savings...heck, my 'good neighbor' has been there for me (wait did I mention 0 claims in 20 years) 'er would be there for me if circumstances required, so why would I do that to my good neighbor that takes care of me. Even though some mail campaign tells me, we'll take just as good care of you and cost you less. C'mon give us a shot. We want your business and will treat you like family. Uh oh, where did I hear that before I would think, oh, that good neighbor named State Farm. I cant leave him, he's a great guy, got good kids, a great staff and really wants to talk to me when I stop in to say hey.
So, my good neighbor wants to raise rates 47% because of rising costs or whatever. Someone has been stealing the newspaper off his driveway (or his foreclosed neighbors driveway), because he obviously hasn't seen that property values have fallen over 50%. So what you are really asking Florida is a 97% rate hike. I'd turn it down to. I would feel funny borrowing 10 bucks from my neighbor, but obviously my 'good neighbor' feels its his given right to be excessive in his requests. Maybe I should go out and find the latest home value figures. last I checked, I have $350000 coverage on my home that the median value is now 279000. Now, I didn't ask you my good neighbor to re-evaluate my home when the values plummeted, but like a good neighbor I figured just in case something happens "you'll be there", so why fix what's not broken, besides it's all good, we're neighbors.
Now what would a true neighbor do? If you are statefarm you move out of the state and leave some of your belongings behind. But me, I am a good neighbor and would go tell the guy that's been there for so many years for me, hey, there's no need to move out of the state, just move away from the neighbors that duped you and built a house 3 feet away from being taken over from high tide. We're not all bad neighbors, we look out for each other, but you need to lose those friend on the water, they are just begging you to let them build that fixer upper into a party palace on the beach as their weekend get away. This neighbor (me) would say, hey stop hangin out with those guys, they are bad news its a no win situation and it will ultimately alienate our neighborly ways.
I'm not in the insurance business but I consider myself to be business savvy. How can I seem to understand the underlying issue, but the people that bleed the red logo don't?