State Farm Insurance
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Category: Home & Garden
Contact Information Rockport, Indiana, United States
State Farm Insurance Reviews
June 29, 2011
Home owners
Had roof damage from storm. Used contractor suggested by State Farm to get estimate which was $15, 000. After a 3.5 hour assessment by State Farm they will only pay out 9300. Said contractors estimate was incorrect. Had contractor come back out and they increased estimate to $17, 000 due to house having 5 roofs and cost of material increase. Roof has over 100' of ridge cap, that SF said contractor needs to cover that in their scrap. To get warrantee need to use vented ridge cap. SF said won't cover it. Have over 100' of valleys, contractor said too correctly install should use valley material. Have 4 vent pipes and chimney that contractor said flashing was old and needed to be replaced. SF said "they will not pay to correctly install roof". Note this is a contractor they recommended and after I checked them out come with great recommendations. Local SF agent said that normally all this would be covered no questions asked but since this damage was caused by a catastrophe it has to be handled out of national office and it is out of his hands. So I get screwed after being a loyal SF customer for 17 years without a signal claim. Meanwhile my nieghbor is having his entire roof relplaced by same contractor through cincinatti insurance with no questions.
May 4, 2011
Very bad customer service
I recently had a car accident no fault of my own that was caused by a state farm customer. My car was the only one totaled. I have been without a car for a few days now and is having trouble with rides to work and getting my children to school.
I spoke with a few of the state farm representatives who were very rude and short. This is just not right. I am so upset bc I was the victim. Im seeking legal advice to sort this matter out the correct way after seeing all these complaints on state farm. Thanks everyone.
karen allen
April 24, 2011
unfair they made me cancel when i didn want tos
Hi my name is karen e allen, i have had several complaints at this store state farm several times, a couple months i went to this company tells me they can't give me insurance in less i show my car repairs, it was no problem i brought it in, and my money order so they wrote my policy up i walk out that same dayso they tell me my proofs will be mailed out in two weeks i never received them, so the next month they takes out 366.00 out my bank account and turned and cancell my policy for no reason at all, i ask why they told me i had to come bak in the office to re-show my repairs, i didnt have the time i already going to school and back and forth to my doctors appt, i thought they is the insurance agent suppose to take care of everything, so it took them almost three weeks to say they wanted to renew my policy, i couldn't believe this so they renewed it, two weeks ago, i decided to cancell this policy cause i have went through so much with this company, and the guy i spoke to he tells me, they was going to send out a payment slip over the phone, he lied to me and tun around and took 384.00 out my bank account, i don't know what kind of place they operating out but they making the company looking real bad i was on my way to go to fox 2 news, i found me a cheaper car insurance and i need my whole refund back, can someone call me back immediately, thank you
April 15, 2011
Motorcycle Insurance
In July another biker crashed into me while I was making a turn. He was upwards of 60mph so my bike was totaled. I managed to walk away... then get carried away in an ambulance to a hospital as I guess I was in shock.
My expenses includes an ambulance ride, hospital, doctor visit and week loss of work. I was told to consult the other drivers insurance for reimbursement( State Farm) which was about 9 months ago. I have been given the medical release run around since July and have made countless calls to try and do what I can. Typed request letters, complaints... nothing seems to be moving this on. Every few months they give me some small recent info as to why we can not settle...Recently consulted with a hot shot lawyer who would not take my case and said to sue in a small claims court as she feels State Farm will not pay and my case is to small to fight. Raw expenses are around $3500.
What really makes me mad is the lying of the adjuster its like he knows that I know he is lying but he keeps it up. "My evil doctors secretary is delaying this because of some kind of personal vendetta or something..." I've talked to the dude who hit me and he is as frustrated with State Farm as I am.
April 15, 2011
Will not pay claims
One day I was driving my 4th generation Z28 Camaro when I got caught in a storm. The water was getting high and I had no where to pullover (back roads) I went through a dip in the road, water got into my intake and the car hydrolocked and threw a rod through the side of the block. I called state farm explained what happened and they told me to take it to a shop. About a week later the adjuster looked at the car and said there were no signs of water damage because there were cobwebs up under the car and the k&n air filter was dry. A week had gone by and it was about 85 degrees every day. The mechanic even said it appeared to be water damage because there was about 8oz of water in the intake manifold. State Farm called that water "just condensation". I asked state farm what I should do, they told me to have the engine torn down to look for the water damage. The rep on the phone even said "by this time if there was water damage it should be found as rust by now. I then found a different shop to do the repairs because they quoted me far less. I had the car towed there and that mechanic too said the damage appeared to be water damage. They preformed a tear down of the engine, and found that the #8 cylinder had in fact hydrolocked and even still had water in it as well as a considerable amount of rust. State farm looked at this then called me and said "the damage does not appear to be related to the water and rust found in the cylinder". They had not answer for me when I asked what they thought caused the failure, since wear and tear was ruled out by both of my mechanics and water damage was ruled out by state farm. I will never go with state farm again and will encourage all others covered by them, even if it is not auto to drop them.
I have attached what state farm describes as not water damage.
March 3, 2011
failure to pay legitame
Recently an individual with State Farm Insurance opened their car door and put a dent in the fender of my brand new Honda Accord. I waited for the person to come out of the store and I got her name and insurance information. I had one of your representatives look come to my home and look at my car. Their ruling was that there wasn't any evidence on her vehicle to show that she was responsible. Since it was the edge of her van door finding "evidence" left by my car would have been nearly impossible to find with the naked eye. I feel that this is just State Farm's way of getting out of paying for a legitimate claim. I'm now stuck with a $700 bill to repair a car that just left the showroom floor and had less than 700 miles on it. I had called the police when it happened but since it occurred on private property they didn't make a report. I will never consider becoming a State Farm customer and will recommend that everyone I know avoid them as well.
February 26, 2011
Business Tactics
I had been with State Farm for 27 years, had 9 policies. They informed me they were not renewing 4 of my policies that were not guaranteed renewable. Reasons given were 1) In the last 7, yes 7, years we had several claims totalling a payout of approx. $25000. They included 3 tows, a windshield broken by debris, a car break in, wind damage and a deer running into a car. There were 4 drivers on this policy. My daughter recently moved, they tolfd me and her it wouldn't affect her because she was no longer in the household. Today she received a call from State Farm informing her they were not insuring her after March 21. She has a vehicle that was parked, and due to mechanical failure it rolled down my drive and into the woods, they billed her as "chargeable" even though she wasn't in the car and it WAS in park. Is this the way someone is treated after 27 years?!!! I was informed that they were supposed to ask me if I was interested in "balloon" coverage I had never heard of this coverage. State Farm lost 10 policies due to their petty thinking, that I believe borders on illegal.
November 6, 2010
My floor is collapsing
On august 27, 2010 remolding the basement, i bumped my trash can into shelving unit next to my heater it knocked off a spray paint can that fell into heater i didn't know ow what fell so i bent over and hear a hissing sound then saw that it was the spray paint bottle got punctured the fumes were ignited be the pilot and blow up in my face and in gulfed me in flames. that explosion caused my heater to then explode sending a concussion wave threw out my whole house threw the vents up the stairs i got thrown about 10 feet. It blew out my steel bay window on the second floor the solid oak door up the stairs was cracked from the top to the bottom the shy light on the 3 rd floor was blown out. the chimney has multiple cracks and shifting . And the best part is that now my floor are starting to collapse from wall to wall. i have a wall over part of this area that collapsing with the floor which is pulling away from the ceiling causing my ceiling to crack . this happened over 2 months ago, they sent out an engineer for measurement, he put down the wrong measurements my floor is sagging almost 1 inch he said 3/8 of inch and that was normal- wrong, i have to pay for MY engineer to prove them wrong. I want to say that if had this company for 25 years never filed a claim for house and for car i have never sued anyone only that my car be fixed. Everyone in my family uses them, I am currently contacting a friend of mine who is tv reporter, I think people really need to know how this insurance company works . Made numerous complaints to my agent i even wrote a letter to my adjuster and his boss. and his boss never even opened after i made a FORMAL COMPLAINT ABOUT THE ADJUSTER- their current stand is preexisting - my ass will fill you in later, when they prepare to take my claim serious
October 25, 2010
Screwed me
My son was hit by a school bus in another county. The bus came from a dead stop and pull in behind my son and hit his trailer. The crossing guard said she had her hand up stopping traffic. Everyone for the school got together and made their story the same and my son had 3 people with him say that the traffic guard didn't have her hand up stopping traffic. The police officer didn't issue a ticket saying no one was at fault however State Farm rulled my son was at fault. I ask can a bus be at a dead stop waiting for traffic to clear, let the truck go by and pull out hitting the trailer being pulled by the truck and it not be his fault. The cop stated that no one was at fault and the insurance companies would have to sort it out. State Farm had insurance on both vehicles. My local agent agreed with me that the bus never saw the trailer, but I was told that he has no input in the claim at all. Doesn't sound like a "Good Neighbor" to me. I have been with State Farm for 34 years with very little claims so don't think they won't *** also. We have been fighting this for over a month and now I have been told this is final to get a layer if i want to go any further. Like I would get a layer to fight a $2000 claim. I am now searching for another insurance carrier and would advise everyone with State Farm to do the same. Don't think that just because you know your agent real well and you have been with them a long time that they won't ***. I have a good comercial for any other insurance company titled "How State Farm Will ***". They don't mind taking your money, but heaven forbid you put in a claim. I think what pissed me off more than anything is my agent agrees I am getting screwed and can't do anything about it.
Dave S
October 15, 2010
Bad insurance company
My father passed away this year after being a loyal State Farm customer in excess of 30 previous claimfree years. He had a hailstorm in 2003 and a tree damaged his garage in 2007. First off, the adjuster would only pay for the house roof replacement. Not the detached garage! They stated the house was damaged but not the gararge! Just 25 feet apart! I thought that was wrong at the time but my dad being volnerable at 80 yrs old and had a good rapport with his agent, pretty much stayed out of it. I, being only two blocks away from dad, too had hail damage.My home insurance company (Cincinnati Financial)sent an independent contractor to evaluate my damage and deemed damage to my house and garage. They even included a birdbath and tv antenna that I had not even noticed. Since that loss, dad also had a tree fall on his detached garage. The adjuster called it $1, 100 total damage. Dad called 3 tree tree removal companies. The cheapest was $2, 800. There was no way any of them would do the work forState Farm 's figure. This is still hard to believe...but the adjuster told dad that HE could get them to do it for less! After the deductible, they gave dad a check for $460. So I myself cut the tree up and paid to take it to the landfill. The cheap labor State Farm wanted to find was me. I didn't mind, but I knew dad was getting screwed.
To the real point.. My father passed away in Feb '10 and one can imagine all the things an executer has to go through. The detatched garage roof was one of them. I asked a contractor to give me his opinion on the garage roof as it was curling up and needing replaced. It was less that ten years old! He called it previous hail damage. So naturally I'm thinking they should have replaced it back in '03 and talked to dad's agent. They opened a NEW claim! The adjuster told me it was not hail damage, but a back shed showed some damage. It was figured at $400 damage. State Farm sent me a letter stating the damage did not meet the $500. deductible..but still a claim.
I'm thinking Ok..I guess you can't disagree with their adjusters decision.(even though their letter stated i could do so) So I decided to let it go, just get the house ready to sell.
Well guess waht? the next thing I recieve is a letter from State Farm Insurance Company in my deceased father's name stating his policy will be dropped! I had bad feelings about the company before this, but this blew me away! Now, I had to scramble around trying to find a company that will insure a vacant property! So now, thanks toState Farm Ins Company, my dad's estate must be insured by a specialty company for over twice the normal premium. Like a good neighbor?
Just goes to show, people, being bigger is NOT better. If you notice on tv, we are pounded with State Farm commercials. Who do you think is paying for them? I believe my deceased father is one of them.
I often wonder who they think they are fooling with these sort of business practices. Several people have shared THEIR State Farm stories with mine. Most are negative. My question is: Can TV advertising trump that?
Before dad died we purchased a rental property that was insured by State Farm for some 40 years and at the time I considered keeping them as the insurance company thinking they have had it so long and it seemed a simple process. This too was unbelievale. They wanted ME to have a licensed electrician to inspect the home and submit it to them. get's MY expense! I didn't even consider that and called my own home ins company (Cincinnati Finanial) and they took it without a problem. And by the way, I'm not promoting them, just stating facts. I just tonight searched out the top 50 property and casualty insurance companies and guess what? They were not only in that group, but have been there for the past 16 years! That's a good neighbor to me.State Farm wasen't even on the list. Bigger is better? I don't think so.
With MONEIORECLAIM.COM, I reclaimed every penny I lost.
The company does not honour the warranty claim and makes you pay for device repair even if you are not at fault.
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