Stationery Expressions apparently has gone out of business, but first they decided to take my money for an order. Of course, that order has gone unprocessed. A report from the Tampa, FL Better Business Bureau indicates that they can not find Stationery Expressions. However, their web site continues to be functional and accepting orders two months later. McPherson operates/hosts the web site and they have been alerted to the problem, BUT the web site continues to be functional-so beware.
According to the Tampa BBB-Stationery Expressions doesn't exist anymore in Tampa. But according to their website Stationery Expressions is alive and well, and now operating out of a PO Box. As of today (5/5/09) Stationery Expressions has no working phone number posted on their web site. I would definitely order with caution if you do order from them. They looked like a great site-almost seemed more trustworthy with the 'Christian' invitations they were highlighting.