February 23, 2010
I cancelled and continue to be charged monthly
I agreed to a free sample and shipping charge; they took my credit card number for a shipping charge. Then I find out if I don't send the product back and cancel, I will be billed monthly. I did all that; three months later I am still being charged $76.97. Each month I contact the credit card company to dispute the charge and call staywhites; I usually get recording announcing a high volume of calls and a representative will get with me in 52 hours. I don't hear from them.
I very much resent that I have to cancel this card because the card company says that since staywhites has my number they can continue to charge me.
February 1, 2010
Free Trial Scam
I ordered a trial sample of a tooth whitening product. The referring page had a CNN logo, as well as other major newscasting symbols. The original offer page had a story about a housewife in Colorado who combined two products to get dentist level whitening results... so it sounded legit.
The website indicated a free trial where I paid only shipping (or so I thought). I ordered on 12/31/09, I received a confirmation email indicating that I would be billed $55.00 each month, at which point I immediately called to cancel. Since it was during the holidays, I was forced to leave a voicemail message, as they were closed. I received what I believed to be the trial and never opened the box, since I had left a message to cancel. During the third week of January, my account was charged the monthly fee.
I called again, this time speaking to a live agent, who canceled the account for future delivery; however indicated he could not issue a credit for the monthly fee. I requested to speak to a floor supervisor. The next individual I spoke to indicated she was a senior representative; but not a supervisor, that they did not come into work until later (it was already 9:30AM). She supposedly will issue a $20 credit to my account, but indicated that is the most she can do. I offered to send the "un-opened" package back, as I was so angry at the deception that I had never even opened the box. It was still sealed tight with the mailing label. They said, no.
I believe the advertisement was false and mis-leading. The only reason, I even figured it out and called to cancel the same day, is I was looking at the second product that was supposed to be used in conjunction with this one. However, that company forced you to read and click that you understood it was creating an on-going monthly account. At least they had integrity.