Late 2009 my wife purchased a pair of silver earrings from Sterling Works at the Old Orchard Mall in Skokie, IL. Within a month of the purchase one of the earrings simply fell apart. My wife brought the defective earring back to the store for repair or refund. Unfortunately my wife no longer had the original receipt and the young salesperson insisted that her store didn't even carry earrings of that style.
In response my wife pointed out similar earrings in a display case by the same designer in order to back up her claim that the defective earring was purchased at this store. Still the salesperson would not acknowledge that the defective earring came from her store and told my wife that her only option was to have Sterling Works repair the earring--for a fee. My wife said that wasn't acceptable and walked out.
My wife followed up by photographing the defective earring and including it in an e-mail to Sterling Works online requesting a free repair or refund. Three months have since passed and no response from Sterling Works online.
Nice going, Sterling Works. You got yourself out of having to make good on a defective product, but unfortunately for the jewelry designers you broker my wife is never shopping at your lame store again.