September 9, 2009
Took items out of our apartment after rent was paid in full
I live in Morgan Stone Ridge Apartments in Texas City, Texas. I had been behind in my Rent and Paid July at the end of the month of July and August on Sept 2 along with my September rent in full. Yesterday, (Sept 8, 2009) I got home from work and found $6, 300 worth of my belongings gone. There was a list from the apartment complex that we owed $808.00 for September rent and that because of that, they were exercising a Contractual Lien. The phone number that Kelley put down as a contact number is a fax number. We tried to contact it to let them know they had made an error and we had proof of payment. All of this is irrelevant since we paid the rent, but had they had the right to exercise this lien, they did so incorrectly. There was an itemized list of items they had taken, but no signatures or proof that anyone had witnessed the items taken. (The contract says they have to have 2 witness signatures on it). We had 4.00 in cash sitting on the dresser, that was gone and not on their list. They went through my drawers and night stands. They left my night stand drawer open with things hanging out which I have a picture of. I feel extremely violated. Especially since we paid our rent on time. When I called the supervisor in New York this morning, he was surprised by the fact that they had taken items out of our apartment. Then he asked me 4 times if we had paid our rent. I explained to him over and over that I had proof we had. I had money order receipts to prove we had paid it. He said that did not prove anything except that we had purchased money orders. He said there is no way to prove we gave Stone Ridge the money. Well we have since obtained the canceled money orders from the bank showing our payment was made and on time. Now Kelley the manager at the apartment has called and said that they had the right to take our items because we owe $8.00. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I am very angry and feel violated.