I give this carrier a total and complete F- for its God-awful service, signal, and phone 'quality'.
A good friend recommended ST to me last fall because its generous 1000 min/text with 25MG mobile web service. Well...Long story short... I owned the phone 30 days before signal issues began. Contacting "customer service" was a dead-on time-waster. They could care less if your phone has bed bugs inside (ugh). They already have your $$. And Walmart was no help. I gave THEM a F- as well. CS claims the signal issue(s) are a damaged simm card, and offer a 'replacement', routinely. DON'T BOTHER. They will suspend your service until you receive your new simm.
Bottom line -- Do not waste your $$ . There are MUCH BETTER wireless carriers - and some with very decent plans at affordable rates.