We hired this firm 10 months ago for Loan Modifications in our home, and rental properties.
It has been a nightmare! We recieved NO SERVICE whatsoever, and had 7 different Reps during that period.
Now we find ourselves with even more depleted saving, and we start to recieve forclosure notices one after the other because their famous phrase"we are working on it" when you were lucky to get a hol of someone, was all a lie. They were working on NOTHING! Just ripping off customers bank accounts with no service provided!
These people not only took our money and dissapered, they gambled with our life savings callously.
No follow-up. no phone calls, no answer to e-mails.
1st. Universal Lending was rated by the FTC last week, and Stratton & Feinstein of Miami, who had "merged with them for Loan Modifications, blew us off taking no responsability in the matter.
These crooks of Miami know that it is very hard for "the little guy" to go after the big law firm.
Consumers BEWARE!!! These 2 companies are dangerous! G.L.