My wife found Style Chest online and ordered some clothes from them on January 10th, 2008. After paying by credit card, she was told that the items would be shipped within 48 hours and she would be emailed the tracking number. It is now January 24th and she has still not received the tracking number or notification about the reason why not. She has tried to cancel the order due to them not sticking to the terms of the agreement and they have not canceled or refunded her money. The toll-free number usually doesn't work, and when someone does answer, their lies and excuses are blatant. The 'Live Help' service that they offer on their website is also a joke. They keep you hanging on and on asking for your order number and telling you that you will receive notification when the order is shipped, even after you tell them that you have already canceled the order and you just want a telephone number that works so that you can discuss the issue with them. They never give out another phone number and the session always gets disconnected after some time with a request to query the complaint to them.
We are not the only people that this has been happening to as some people were complaining about them on a complaints forum and had the exact same experiences I also firmly believe their comments to be valid as I have been in touch with two of them via email and they seem to be telling the truth.
There are many complaints online about Style Runway. They obviously changed their name to Style Chest because everyone had found them out. Please open both the sites at the same time and check it out for yourself...
They are both listed in Glennville, CA and their telephone number is even the same! Click some of the links on the two sites... 'About' and 'Shipping and Payment' are identical!
Let's try and stop them before they scam any more people!