My complaint is how did I get a phone I order in my X wife's name. It would be against the law for me to open this mail. Why do you not have a phone number that you could talk to a real A REAL PERSON MAGIC JACK is a company I thought had some class but now?
I also called to order another phone I se if that is a mistake or not ??
Can you tell why you have my credit card NO# but send the Apple Jack or I mean magicjacks to me under my X wife"s name.
Now I must call her up to find out if she order the magicjack?
Well she did not!! SURPRISE!!!
Should I wounder about my VISA CARD NO#????
BETTER BUS B needs to be called about this situation.
You get my drift???
I even gave my email and phone No# and your Co. claims there is no record in your files when I ask for my pass word.
Hope to get a responces SOON