In the second week of June I was hooked up to a 250 gal propane tank from Suburban Propane out of Longview, WA. Ever sinc ethe hook up of there tank my Water heat has not been heating the water as hot. Then I was having a proplem with the WH staying lit, I was always having to reset to get it to relit. I call a service compnay who came out right a way, as I was having a proplem get in touch with Suburban. After spending $309.70 on Service calls and parts it was determined that the gas regulator had oil on it. When the gas line was removed from the regulator, oil came out. This was the line from the tank, the oil had distroyed the diaframe in the regulator and lit oil get into my system. Was we disconnected the regulator from the house gas line we poured out about a 1/4 cup of oil out of the line.
I was finally able to get in touch with Suburban Propane and was told that the service tech would be sent out to check thing out. Now here we are a week later and no service tech and the problem is resurfacing with the water heat.
I will never use Suburban Propane again.