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188 brook trail, Greenwood lake NY, United States

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SUBURBAN Propane Reviews

WalB78 September 3, 2009
Failure to provide service
Suburban Propane charged a tank rental fee for propane tanks, which was not in the contract. When I complained they reduced the fee by half. I paid it for fear they would take the tanks out, leaving me with no heat.

When I sold the property, I notified them to take a reading on the volume of propane in the tanks and make arrangements to retrieve them. They failed to do this and the new owner used 40-50 gals of my propane before Suburban removed the tanks. This was after repeated phone calls to Suburban to take care of the matter.

When they finally removed the tanks, not only was 40-50 gals used up, Suburban Propane had the audacity to charge me a $60.00 closing fee, in addition to what I had lost to the new owner.

I would not use this company for any reason in the future and urge anyone else to avoid them.
KathleenElsie July 23, 2009
After years of two deliveries a year by Suburban Propane they have place a $60 a year rental fee for the tank they service. Our average bill is $90 each delivery. Now a $60 dollar charge on top of this.

When I called about the fact that we were not told of this charge prior to filling the tank this last time they had no answer to my request. They tole me they will pay me for the gas remaining when they pick up a tank. OK all well and good right? Wrong the pick up fee is $79 plus tax.

So they get their tank and my gas and my money.
Link16 July 12, 2009
Being FORCED to take propane
One day out of the blue I see a man is dragging his big propane hose across my yard. I stopped him and told him I did not ask for more propane. I had over 3/4 of a tank and I have only a gas stove that I don't use much. He said he had to add propane or take my tank.
So I had to pay for propane I did not need or want.
When I called the manager to complain said it was a misundestanding.
The next year I was sent a bill for Tank Rental. I guess saying you're going to take someone's tank wasn't the right thing to do.
A couple of months ago here is a man yet again dragging his hose across my yard. Another forced tank fill up.
And to add insult to injury I got a bill last month a bill for tank rental.
I've written them and told them this is some racket they have going.
I told them I am about to turn them in to AARP since I live in an Over 55 Mobile Home Park and I am not the only one they've done this to. AARP loves ripping into companies who take advantage of us older folks.
I am also one step from turning them over to a local news station who also loves to get a hold of companies like Suburban.
I told them I will wait a reasonable amount of time for an explanation or I'm throwing them to the dogs.
If you have this type of problem and belong to AARP let them know.
If you have a local news station who will investigate, turn them in.
They need to be stopped and made to pay for ripping people off!
Suburban Propane BAD SERVICE July 11, 2009
Tank Rental Fee
Just had my Propane tank removed without prior notice, the tank was full!
I received a letter this year, first time in 9 years that there is now a rental fee on my tank. I spoke with a representative about the new rental fee and was told that they would waive the fee this year and begin billing me in January. I was told by the rep all was OK. Still not understanding the new fee, I thought at least I had some time to figure out what this fee was about.
While I was out - my child at home called me at work to inform me that the Suburban Truck was in my driveway and that she heard noises outside near the tank.
I called Suburban wondering what they were doing in my driveway. My first call- " we do not have any serivce scheduled at your address" Second call to inform them that they took the tank- " oh yes, you didn't pay the rental fee so we removed your tank! and by the way our policy is that you didn't have a gas delivery this year so you owe us a rental fee and you didn't pay this fee so we had no choice but to remove your tank!"
All was denied about my first conversation about the rental fee! WOW! Has anyone else experienced this??
gdfine April 24, 2009
Six years ago when we built our home, propane rates from Suburban were around $1.50/gal. But that was six years ago and everyone knows what has happened to the petroleum market since then. I wasn’t surprised when the rate increased over the years. However, for my last several re-fills (averaging 300-400 gals or a total of over 1000 gallons in the last year), my propane provider (Suburban Propane) has charged me over $5.00/gal.

I contacted Suburban to see if there had been a mistake. And with each of my last two deliveries, I was given an adjustment of about $.60/gal, and was warned that these were one-time adjustments and my next fill would revert to my normal rate.

I became somewhat curious and suspicious of why the price has continued to climb even when market prices seem to have receded. I took a look at my rates over the past 6 years and I noticed that the rate has NEVER gone down; it has continued to increase even when market price trends down, my rate has steadily increased to today’s price of $5.01.

I began contacting several other providers and competitors of Suburban Propane... and I was quite amazed and aghast to find out that the 'going rate', at this time, from five other providers ranged from $1.70 to $2.30 per gallon, far less than half of what Suburban is charging myself AND my neighbors. FAR LESS. My contacts included Amerigas, Bowman, Hubbard, Patriot, FerrellGas. I can provide contact names and information received from each of these providers.

After contacting Chantell Hendrix, the local manager at Suburban Propane, and there was little progress to solve this pricing issue. Ms. Hendrix explained and tried to justify the rate in part by value added services; such as emergency service, payment options, and prepaid pricing. I did have occasion to use the emergency service about two years ago. It was far from acceptable. After three phone calls and a week’s time, we finally got our propane. The driver apologized profusely, but said that they just didn’t have enough staff to meet calls (at that time). As for the Prepaid Pricing service, my neighbor prepaid one year at a price of $4.25.

Regardless, the services mentioned are fairly standard among the five other providers I contacted, so I really don’t consider them a value added especially to the extent of Suburban’s pricing.

I told Ms. Hendrix of my findings from other propane providers, she cautioned that the prices I was given were probably for a 'first fill’ and I would be charged a different price for subsequent fills. But I have found that is just not the case. Indeed, one of the 5 providers does in fact offer a 'first' fill at $.30/gal less (from $2.17) to attract new customers. This is still a far cry from $5.01.

Each provider did explain that market price influences rates and rates will change between deliveries. But historical pricing over the last 2 years for EACH of the five providers, none have been even close to $5.00 rate that Suburban is charging. In fact the market price is currently going down and they are passing on those lower rates to their customers.

Historical pricing given to me was based on a residential 500 gallon tank, with usage between 900-1200 gals a year. Some of the prices reached a peak last year to that of $3-$4/gal, but ALL companies report that pricing has gone down from those levels to something closer to $1.70-$2.30/gal.

Unfortunately, to add insult to injury, Suburban Propane has refused to sell me the underground tank which I lease from them. Apparently it is company policy not to sell tanks… though no explanation was given as to the reasoning for that policy.

Instead I will be required to dig up the tank, obviously ruining 6 years of landscaping and causing additional expense of the dig (which is MY responsibility according to them) not to mention the installation of a new tank and the hardship to myself and my family. I have offered to pay a price for the tank at today’s retail price (even though it’s been in the ground for 6 years). My research indicates the price for a new 500 gallon tanks to be $1700 to $1800 (quoted from several of the other providers I contacted).

I have pleaded with Suburban to help me avoid the destruction of my landscaping, but to no avail. This is extremely unfortunate and seems even ‘spiteful’. But it appears that it is the only way I will be able to release myself from under Suburan’s hold.

A counter offer from Ms. Hendrix was another one-time rate at $4.50/gal… and then it was further reduced to $2.80/gal. But this price is still 21% higher than the highest price from another provider and it is a ONE-TIME price.

I have several neighbors that are also paying these exorbitant prices to Suburban... and I am gradually trying to notify them of this situation. But I wonder how many people are paying these prices without knowledge that they are being severely overcharged. I feel Suburban is gouging their customers; they are certainly not providing a 'fair and equitable' price for home heating propane.
N M April 14, 2009
Pricegauging Unfair Practices
I built a new home in 2006 and had 1000 gal Suburban owned tank put in for heating. It was put in by my builder without any consent from me and I was pretty shocked to find out that I would not be the owner of the tank. Due to the lact of experience at the time, I did sign their contract because they were offering a really good start-up price of 1.89 per gal. Every year I would be on the phone with them fighting over their price for propane. Every year come Aug-Sep I would call other companies and Suburban was giving me a price that was 50 cents to a dollar more than prevailing market price. My 08/09 pre-buy was 3.35 per gallon. The contract states that if I fail to make two payments all of my subsequent deliveries will be made at a market price. The market price is the prevailing price right at the time of delivery. They told me that my price would be 3.75 although the market price has fallen since last year and is at about 2.20 per gallon. They make their prices up as they go along, a special price for all of their captive customers who don't have a choice. There is no buy-out option for the tank in their contracts. Also they informed me that I would lose the 845 dollar credit sitting in my account for overpayment. I asked them to buy the tank. They said "they don't sell tanks." I have had another company negotiate a sale of the tank for me and they would not sell. They told me I would have to dig it up and pay for pumping out of the leftover propane and a removal fee for the tank. Which, they stated, would not apply to my credit balance (they get to keep my 845 bucks!)/ They would charge me a 75 cents per gal fee to remove propane and 125 dollars to pick up the tank. Obviously, I would be responsible for the excavation of the tank. After a certain amount of negotiations they called me and said they would sell me the tank (now they are selling them!) but I would still lose 845 dollars. To be continued...
grandma March 9, 2009
over charging , bad customer service
they say that they are known for there 24 hour customer service. but they charge a arm and leg for it. I am on ssi, freezing my but off, because there customer service is charging me $3.75 a gallon for propane. Ther are a crule, and make money off of old elderly people on ssi.
SMZ March 2, 2009
Pricing and customer service
Suburban overcharges for propane and I found out why - their customer rep told me they "(we) have higher overhead then other companies, so we have to charge more." What?!!!. They charged us $3.299 per gallon for propane on 1-12-09, $1.15 higher per gallon then other propane companies in our area. Suburban is non-negotiable on their price probably because of their “overhead”. I phoned them in October to set up a "call ahead before deliveries" and to put a gauge on the fuel tank, so we could be prepared to pay the BIG bill. Promises, promises. Needless to say, we are still waiting. Another customer service rep suggested we have the tank removed so we could use another propane company. She was surprised to learn Suburban has a $1500 tank removal fee. Today I paid the $1152.68 and since I was 16 days late they added a 1.5% late fee. So, Suburban actually charged me $3.365 per gallon for this last tank. They tell me the tank will be empty by March 15th, so here we go again. SMZ
nelson February 19, 2009
Thanks for these posts, which I read with strong self-interest.

I have been having a terrible time with Suburban Propane in upstate New York (Columbia County). We have been getting deliveries even after we have stopped automatic delivery -- with no ticket or invoice left behind. We only recently discovered another 225 gallon delivery (while we were at the house even!) when we called to confirm a credit when they readjusted our price per gallon from the previous two deliveries. They had been charging us a dollar a gallon more before we called them on the prices.

We have been extremely suspicious of their records and their deliveries, as the usage is exorbitant and inconsistent with similar properties (over 1000 gallons in 10 weeks for a weekend house). Our gauge was showing full capacity when they decided to schedule the latest delivery of 225 gallons (out of 500) and it remained the same after they had purportedly fueled up.

When we called to complain about these erratic and inconsistent deliveries/records, we were met with lies, and eventually, attitude, and threats that our house would "freeze up in 3 days" if we stopped delivery. Their true intentions were revealed when they called up our real estate agent to "alarm" them about our cancelling service (which we had not done), and subsequently told me they had a long account with the owner they were interested in protecting. The previous renter had a similarly bad experience with them and actually used another provider.

This whole affair has left a bad taste in our mouths and we are now shopping around for a new propane provider. Even as we do so, we're nervous that we would simply switch from bad to worse, given their reputations.

If anyone has some positive experiences with particular propane companies in my area, I'd gladly take any recommendations.

trkille January 9, 2009
Payment for unused Propane
I recently changed Propane suppliers from Suburban Propane to another company due to huge price differences. Suburban last charged me $4.09 per Gallon versus new company charging $2.45 per gallon. I was told by Suburban that I would be paid for the unused propane in tanks. The cost of propane I had been buying was between $3.79 - $4.09 a gallon. First I had to continually call then for over 2 months to get them to get their tanks picked up. Then today I contact then to see what they are reimbursing me for the 2 tanks, which were both full. I was informed I was receiving $571.00 for 200 gallons. Even if I had only paid $3.50 a gallon I should still be receiving $700.00!! So it appears they are buying it back at around $2.08 a Gallon. Isn't there any place to report these people? This is absolutely ridiculous!

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