I am a contract satellite television installer in the Metro Memphis, TN area. May 28, 2002 I started doing installs for Suburban Services (Referred to as Suburban from here on). I had one day of in office training, followed by a training day in the field. Since that training day, until Monday July 29, I had completed every single work order that passed thru my fax machine, and also I completed jobs that were added onto my route through-out the day. When my paycheck was actually ahead one pay period,
I thought I better bring that information to the attention of the office manager, her name is Laura, she actually told me if I didn't like it, quit. Well I didn't like it so I did quit. I know me being a contractor limits my rights as a human being in the work-place, and know they will not cut me a check, they still owe me approx.$2,000. I have none of their equipment, nor do I owe them any money for tools, or back-charges. The owner of the company, Roger Ayers, will not return my call.
Please help me help all other contractors to steer clear of companies that are here today and gone tomorrow. I am going to ask my local congressman to try and lobby some type of rights for sub-contractors. I wish you the best of luck in trying to reach these people or even have them return your call.