When I first hired Summit Research to complete my taxes, they guaranteed me in writing that their tax preparation practices of using Blackbriar investments, LLC, Tahoe North Investments, LLC, and Sierra Pacific, LLC are completely permitted by the tax laws. In this guarantee, the CEO of the company Ron V Strawn, assured me that he would assist me for free if I happen to get audited for any reason.
Since many of their clients are likely being audited, the company is attempting to release itself of any liabilities and has changed its name, now called Columbia Financial and Tax Services, Inc. and South Coast Financial and Tax Services, Inc. Also many employees have been replaced, But Ron Strawn still remains. Now that I am being audited, the new company does not want to honor its obligations, instead wants to offer their services for $1, 500- $4, 000 for audit assistance. It seems like they caused a problem, and are now wanting to benefit from it. They are now even claiming they never offered any such guarantee in writing.
I know there are many past Summit Research clients (I know of two others myself) in the same current situation. If you are experiencing this, please post any relevant information on this complaint form so others can view; or directly send me a private message: shouldbetold@hotmail.com
Together we need to find a company that can assist us. A tax attorney or advisor that you were able to find, that could help the rest of us. Or the methods of going after this company for damages. Please feel free to share your thoughts here.
Company information:
Summit Tax Research Inc
5940 South Rainbow Blvd, Ste 100
Las Vegas, NV
151 KALMUS DR # 250
949-250-9944 (disconnected)
Columbia Financial and Tax Services, Inc.
South Coast Financial and Tax Services, Inc.
9901 NE 7th Ave, Suite C120
Vancouver, WA 98685
4500 Campus Drive, Suite 608
Newport Beach, CA 92660