When you place an order and choose any shipping method other than the most expensive "Freight", Sun Electronics cancels your order without even telling you (much less WHY they're cancelling it). By the time you figure out your payment has been refunded and you won't be receiving the items you ordered, the merchandise has sold out and is no longer available.
Mind you, all the shipping method options available for your purchase are shown in a drop-down box at checkout, along with the price for each -- but if you don't choose the "Freight" option (which costs hundreds of dollars more than UPS shipping price options), your order will be cancelled without notice or explanation.
If you DO choose "Freight" shipping, you'll find Sun Electronics has shipped you BREAKABLE glass solar panels simply strapped to the sides of a truck, UNPACKAGED and unprotected from damage.
I guess bubble wrap, styrofoam, and shipping boxes cost Sun Electronics too much money to properly package their merchandise, even when the customer is paying them $500-$1000 for shipping.