Sun Lite Industries, located in Pompano Beach, off of Atlantic Blvd. and NW 21st Ave, could well be the biggest SCAM to hit South Florida in years!
It preys on people, who are suffering financially in huge ways during these difficult economic times. My first exposure to this company came while reading the Employment Classifieds in the Sunday edition of The Florida Sun-Sentinel newspaper a couple weeks ago. They are running a very intriguing, cleverly written, Help Wanted Ad that says in part, "15-25 guys and gals wanted...who enjoy $$, music, fun & working with the opposite sex. No exp. necessary, will train."
I couldn't resist calling to find out more as did about 60 others in my "Class"--all but 5 dropped out before the 1st week of "Training" was over. I was asked to come in for an interview with Heather, which I did. She said, "I like you" and invited me back for a 2nd interview two days later. That was when I first met Bob Coffee, the President/CEO, and supposed "Money Man"" behind this SCAM, his primary "Trainer" and "Pitch Man", John, a snake oil salesman, if there ever was one, and an "idiot trainer" named Tom, along with the handler of their Perfume "Products" named Lisa.
This group reminded me of a traveling troupe of Gypsies. John was living with Heather. And Tom was living with Lisa. How either of these attractive young women could live with these rather "Homely" and in John's case, much older, guys was beyond my comprehension! It was probably because none of them had very much money, as they all claimed to have made in previous ventures in this business. They all had stories of having risen from the depths of poverty and drug addiction to immense wealth working for this company.
They showed us a map with a lot of pins in it of all the supposed outlets they had previously opened in New York, NJ, and Philadelphia to name a few of their "supposed" what they called Distribution Centers (DC's), which had made them "a ton of money". I researched the White and Yellow pages of those three areas and couldn't find any companies resembling what they were "Pitching" us. It appeared to be a pack of lies, and quite frankly a lot of "Bullshit". But I foolishly took the bait and spent two weeks there, before concluding everything they were telling me was a "Crock of Shit"! They could have more easily tried to sell me some land in the Everglades!
They made "Pie in the Sky" promises. They said upfront, to their credit, that there would be no daily salarey, no weekly salary, and no monthly salary. This was the only "Truth" I heard from them in two weeks! But if you stayed with them for 6-12 weeks selling their own "homemade" perfume to perfect strangers out on the street, they would pay for you to open your own "DC", where you would be paid $40 thousand dollars a year, and after a year as an "employee", you could opt for your own POA (Piece of the Action) by letting them set you up, in your own Distribution Center, which you would own--at no cost to you. As the saying goes, "If it sound too good to be true..."
Basically, all they wanted us to do was to go out in Public and try to sell their own "knockoff" perfumes, or as they called them "Renditions"! These were perfumes that their "Own Chemist" had concocted for them that were supposedly stronger, longer lasting, with no oils, hypo allergenic, and contained no animal fats than any other Perfume on the market. We were told that a similar bottle of their 3.4 fl. oz's would sell for betwen $80-$100 at stores like Macy's, Dillards, and Burdines. They were right about that!
But we were supposed to go out on the street, anywhere would do, lie to people, as we tried to get women in particular, to let us spray their hand or the back of their wrist, ask them to smell it, and then try selling them one, two, or three bottles by telling the people they would pay the $80-$100 at a department store, but we were having a grand opening special, whereby they could buy 3 bottles for $75.00, 2 bottles for $55.00, or one bottle for $30.00.
I did this for two weeks. Needless to say, I got almost nothing but negative feedback and a lot of rejection--almost every objection to buying a bottle one could think of. I think I actually sold two bottles in two weeks of letting a lot of people, including some of my best friends, neighbors, and relatives try a free smell test, and doing the same with complete strangers. I even bought a few bottles for myself to give to friends to sample with their friends. I never heard anything back from my "Friends" that anyone they tried the perfume on wanted to actually buy a bottle.
At first, we were given $5.00 for each bottle we sold. Then they increased our "Commission" to $10.00 a bottle. Wowee! It makes one wonder what it was costing them to produce! Most of the people there couldn't make their next rent payment or car payment, were about to be evicted from their homes, and they were way behind on paying their other bills.
But John kept emphasizing that this was the only money we were going to make for the next 6-12 weeks, before "they would set us up with our own 'DC'", making 40K a year. After a few days, they brought us into Heather's office, where she tried to add a little spicing to the cake by telling us they wanted us to operate 3 or 4 DC's for them and would increase our salaries to 50K a year!
This started to become more "Bullshit" than I could take!!! I wonder what the EPA, whom I plan to contact, would say about their "Cococtions" They were using "Perfumes" with the names of Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, and Kenneth Cole to name a few. I seriously doubt if they had gotten written permission from these celebrities to use their names on these products. And I believe that is illegal. What would Law Enforcement like the FBI, whom I plan to contact, say about this kind of SCAM operation? They, and all their "Employees", could wind up going to Jail!!!
Anyone who believes all the "Bullshit" they throw at you has made his or her own bed and only have themselves to blame, when it doesn't work out he way they were led to believe it would!!! Their "Trainers" will hyper ventilate and yell at you (reminded me of my Army basic training experience) during the "Pitching" of this "Dream Job"! They will "Cuss at you a lot (Tom is the worst--every other word is the F-Word or S--T). He has a very squeaky voice, and often is hard to understand. He has this silly little laugh that he uses after nearly every sentence he speaks, when nothing of what he has just said was the least bit funny. Lisa said she is a high school dropout, and Tom could very well be one too!
They are preying on people with little or no money. If you like to sell "Perfume" to strangers, this is the perfect job for you! If you are looking to manage a DC, don't hold your breath!
These "Scammers" need to be stopped NOW, before they ruin the lives even more than they already are of these very poor South Florida residents!!!