this company advertises in the Pennysaver, City Paper, and online websites. For a number of years, they have offered cheap deals on 20 acre "ranches" in El Paso, Texas. The realty is that the land is "scrubland". Brandi Grissom, reporter for El Paso Times wrote an expose story about the Texas Attorney General, a Judge, et. al failed efforts to stop the land deal scams because a man commited suicide, people have lost their life savings, and the landscape in Sierra Blanca and Van Horn is dotted with old trailers, half buillt shacks, etc. from those who were ceated into this scam. When consumers default on the monthly payments, Sunset Ranches forecloses and takes back the properties. I canceled my contract with them within the seven day period after sigg the contract. This because of finding online that it was a scam. They simply sent me a package with a land plat saying I was owner of 60 acres for 40 acres price. (I fell for that!) It is sadi that what they are doing is barely "legal", but legal none the less. This makes no sense if they misrepresent what their "product" is. Hudspeth County or the State of Texas should assume a more aggressive effort to stop this scam. They get to send tax bills to thousand of duped consumers.