This is my third attempt to correct this grave error that has occurred - resulting in our apparent loss of ownership. We discovered this on our own, when considering booking a Sunterra resort in Scottsdale, AZ next week. We learned that over that past year our deed had a lien placed on it and then was foreclosed on in August (according to Douglas County records - even though we were told that it happened in Clark county). Here are the facts, as brief as I can be:
We have owned since 2003
Bought in Sedona, AZ - 5000 points
Ownership fully paid for
Used only 4 times
Had over 6300 points when our membership was "closed"
Continually received mailings, notifications, emails and bills from Sunterra
All bills paid
According to the dates in the legal system, we have been billed, communicated with, and paid fees even after we apparently lost our property
Our ownership cancellation was never reported to us - from Ridge Pointe, Resorts West, Sunterra or Diamond Resorts.
We have invested over $11, 000 for less than 4 weeks of travel, paid all membership fees and apparently missed maintenance fees after having never been billed. Our credit has been impacted without our knowledge and our asset has been taken from us - due to mistakes and lack of communication - between Resorts West and Sunterra/Diamond and the owner.
We have been told, "Sorry, we sold it." And, "yeah, we shouldn't have billed you; we'll reimburse your membership fees." We want our points and our good standing reestablished, with the opportunity to pay missed maintenance fees. We have outstanding credit and aside from our mortgage, have paid for all that we own in full. I share this because to reinforce the fact that we pay our bills and would have paid maintenance fees - we were never given the chance and someone needs to accept responsibility rather than blaming each other and/or the owner.
Please, someone "step up and make this right." This is a plea for various parties to work together to get our owner status restored, including our maintenance fees paid by us. I am hoping that upon review, all will recognize their mistakes, accept responsibility and collaborate to get our full ownership status with Sunterra/Diamond back ASAP - with the points we had when it was closed.
The above is the most patient and kind request I can make.