I payed $2.95 to this free goverment grants for a packet that was supposed to be sent to me on12/4/08 and was supposed to have access to their website to resurch any grants I was eligable for.Me being a single mother and on dissability, I thought that I would be eligable for a grant no doubt.I was called twice and reassured that I would recieve what was promised.They gave me no company name or number to reach them at if any problems occured.Two weeks go by after they took their money out of my checking account I still have not heard or recieved anything from them, SO I called my bank to get their number, because if I didn't cancel I was gonna get charged again.So I get a hold of them and can cancel on phone, but I have to email to ask for a refund.
I think I'm intitled to this refund because I didn't get anything for my money that I payed them.So I hope my issues with this company and me telling my story will help someone else out.IT's a big scam and I hope they pay for it.I'm gonna go to local paper and talk to lawyer if this doesn't get resolved.