Suprabath Chits&Investments(P) Ltd

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Suprabath Chits&Investments(P) Ltd Reviews

Venkat7259 October 4, 2009
Failure to return the deposit / interest – an offence-also failure to render service for which deposit is made-Sec 5

ADYAR, CHENNAI – 600 020.

Dear Mr.Rajasekar,

In spite of meeting you at your office, SUPRABATH CHITS & INVESTMENTS (P) LTD and talking to Mr.Babu through cell phone, Your close friend and Owner of SUPRABATH CHITS & INVESTMENTS (P) LTD, it is sorry to note that no action has been taken or information given about returning my money Rs. 1, 20, 000 (One Lakhs and Twenty thousands only) invested along with the interest of 22.22% / PA as promised by you during our conversations and according to the Deposit Certificate applicable till date.

I have been avoiding joining your chit fund from the year 1978, in spite of your repeated canvassing and pressuring me to do so till 2006.

Now it is very clear that you along with Mr.Babu have cleverly planned to cheat and swallow all the amounts invested by me and the other depositors by enrolling us in your chit from the following:

1. From 1978 to till the date of joining the chit, you are the only one canvassing and pressuring me join chit with SUPRABATH CHITS & INVESTMENTS (P) LTD.
2. From the date of joining the chit, you only collect the cheques / cash from me for the chit amounts.
3. Without even informing me you have attended the auctions on my behalf and taken money from the auctions.
4. Without even informing me you have taken the money by discounting 40 %( I came to know later that it is only 30% normally for amounts up to 1 Lacs) and deposited the prized money with your chit fund, that too for 54 months without any information to me.
5. You have managed to convince me by saying that I will get 2.4 Lacs on maturity which can be of use to my daughter’s Education. When I asked if any problem occurs what my status will be. You have told me that there will not be any problem and assured me that you will take care of everything and see that the maturity value of 2.4 Lakhs (Two Lakhs and forty thousands only) will be handed over to me.
6. I was insisting for the receipt for all the above deposits and after repeated and continuous insistence I was given the photocopies of receipts only in Aug.’2008, stating that the originals will be given only after all the amounts for the chits are paid to them. I was shocked to notice that although the chits MBL XLIII 26, MBL XLlII 27, were prized(taken) in Nov’2006 and MBL XLIV 34 and MBL XLIV 35 were prized(taken) in Jan’2007, the deposits were only made at a later dates (deposit receipt numbers 02855 dated 12.11.2006 (Rs.30, 000/-), 02958 dated 10.01.2007 (Rs.30, 000/-), 02977 (Rs.30, 000/-) dated 19.01.2007 and 3065 (Rs.30, 000/-), dated 21.03.2007 for 54 months, at the rate of 22.22% per annum).
7. Added to the above, you have also on later dates demanded and taken cheques without pay to column and the amounts filled saying that in some months you have paid the money out of your pocket and I remember you have taken money on your personal name in some months saying the above.
8. In spite of collecting cheques from me you have not deposited them in time, in few months.
9. In spite of insisting you and your office many times, no action has been taken by you to handover the receipt in book form which is the usual practice of many and on 19th September 2009, when I asked you again when I visited your office you have informed me that all the details will come once a computer printout is taken and it will be handed over to me without any delay in the evening but till date you have not taken any action to hand over the same in spite of my repeated requests.
10. In Mar’08 and Feb’09, when I enquired you about the probability of any problem present in your chit fund, as I was not getting the Intimation Cards and the receipts regularly, you have informed me that there is no problem.
11. When I contacted you on your cell phone no.9444126086 again on 13th August 2009, in spite of talking to you politely, you have started shouting loudly in abusive language that “UNNALA ENNODA ORU MAYIRAYUM PUDUNGA MUDIYAATHU”, and threatening me of dire consequences and told me to contact Mr.Babu through his cell no.9952044445.
12. On13th August 2009, when I talked to Mr.Babu he had requested me to visit your office on September 19, 2009, promising me that my deposits with interest will be returned back to me without fail, stating that he is closing down all the operations and having properties worth 20 Crores and the dues are only up to 11 Crores, which will be settled as the property sale will be over by September 19, 2009, but so far no action has been taken to return the amounts.
13. The next day i.e. on 14th August ‘2009, when I have met you on the road you were very courteously talking, even not having a courtesy of saying sorry or feeling bad about your talks, tried to justify your nasty talks, confirming that Suprabath Chits Investments (P) Ltd is having properties worth 20 Crores in ECR Road in the form of Lands and the dues are only up to 11 Crores, which will be settled as the property sale is over by September 19, 2009.
14. When I visited your office on August 17’2009, and requested for the Inspection of Register related to my chits, you have informed that it will be possible once the office staff will come back as all the staff had gone to attend a marriage and you have not chosen to answer afterwards for my repeated requests.
15. As you have informed me on 9th September 2009 to visit your office on 19th September 2009, I have also visited your office on the 19th September 2009 according to the request of Mr.Babu and you but as Mr.Babu was not there I had insisted you to Contact Mr.Babu, as it is very difficult to reach him in his cell. You have told him to commit a date for my payment and when he was talking to me and he said he will revert back to me on the next day.
16. As no information has been received till today i.e. 23rd September 2009, I have visited your office and as you were not there I am forced to call your number at 3.12 PM. When I started telling my name, you have started shouting in abusing words that “ONNALA ENNODA POOLA KOODA OOMBA MUDIYAATHU and OM PONNU THEAVIDIYAALA ALAINCHINDU IRRUKKA”. ONNALA MUDINCHA POLICE LA COMPLAINT PANNU. ENTHA POLICE KARUNUM EN MAYIRA KOODA PUDUNKA MUDIYAATHU.
17. On September 24, 2009 at around 9.16A.M, you have called me from your cell no.9444126086 to my cell no.9444262339, and talked to me for 2minutes and 3 seconds stating that you have tried to justify for your talks and actions stating that you have talked to me in abusive language because of too much of pressure and unbearable problems in your office. I have warned you to avoid such abusive language and told you if repeated, I will lodge a criminal complaint. You have told me that you will approach police in some other way and asked me to believe that you will get back the money to me as well as to Krishnamurthy as you were only involved in each and every step from starting the chits, collecting the cheques, attending the Auction, Getting and depositing the money. You have also told me to talk to Mr.Babu and that you will give another number of Mr.Babu after 30 minutes as you are in some other place. I have called you in your cell no. 9444126086 at around 10.17 AM for 10 seconds asking you for the other cell number of Mr.Babu and you have replied that you are yet to go to office and will give the number after reaching there. At around 16.15 Hrs you have called me in my cell no.9444262339 from your cell no. 9444126086 and talked to me for 1 minute and 28 seconds, telling the other number as 9003103919, asking me to contact at 8.00 AM in the morning as he will not be in a position to attend the call at other times.
18. As informed by you, I have tried to contact Mr.K.Babu in his cell nos.9003103919 and 9952044445 three times between 8.07 AM to 8.27 AM, but the voice message says the cell 9003103919 is switched off and the voice message in 9952044445 says it is in an unreachable area. Then at 8.37AM and 8.38 AM, I have sent the following message to Mr.Babu saying “Sorry 2 inform you that I will explore all options including police, FM, TNPID which I want to avoid. Hope u will take necessary steps to avoid that.” Then at 10.42AM, I have called you and told you that he is not lifting his cell. You have replied that there is a huge Crowd in front of his house and some Galatta is going on, that is why he is not answering. At 17.29 Hrs, I have received a call from you asking me where I am. I have replied that I am in Mylapore. Then you have told me come direct to Kannappanagar, Kottiwakkam (Opposite to RM Hospital) and I told you I will come. I have called you back at 17.38 hrs stating that my vehicle had a flat tyre and it will take time and asking you to get the letter by yourself as you were involved in all the steps. You have replied not to ask any hereafter if I do not come. Then I have asked you whether he is giving back the money or giving it in writing and you have replied that he is telling all about what he is going to do. You have insisted me to come there. At around 19.09 I have called you asking for the correct address and you said it is 1st main road, Kannappanagar and there is a huge rush. I have told you I am held up in traffic jam(as I have decided not to come after getting information from reliable sources that either I may be hit and may be made as a victim for a criminal complaint).
19. I have strong reasons to believe that you are also one of the partners of Suprabath Chits & Investments (P) Ltd, Mylapore-600 004, planned to cheat me along with Mr.K.Babu as well, due to all the above narrated in Sl.Nos. 1 to 16 and due to the reasons that are narrated below:
a. that you have been calling me and pressurizing me for the Chit Installments and had taken cheques from me till August 2009, in spite of my suspicion and enquiry about the existence of problems with Suprabath Chits & Investments.
b. Whenever I talked to you about returning back my deposits with Interest, you were pointing out that you have already invested Rs.1.5 Crores (One and half Crores only), which includes the money of your family members and quoting Mr.Santhosh, an ex-employee of Lucas TVS had also invested in Suprabath Finance and a member of the Chit fund in some of the chits, as a part of convincing us, which is far beyond the truth.
c. I came to understand that you have taken all the money invested by me from the chit fund along with Mr.Babu for your personal use.
d. You have also in April 2009, given interest to the deposit of some of the investors very close to you after they have approached you that they have not been paid for February and March 2009 and hidden all the facts to me till August’2009, although you have involved voluntarily yourself from the start of chits to the depositing with the intention of only to cheat me.
e. You were only answering to all the investors till 24th Sep’2009, who were asking to return back their money with interest till 24th September ‘2009.
f. In addition to that you have told me that you were the incharge for the Nellore and the other A.P. office as well that you have been working for them for a long time.
g. In spite of informing you not to deposit the cheques as early as in June ‘2009, you have kept the cheques till 19th September’2009 and you have tried to act smart by returning the two Blank cheques (Cheque Nos.366459 and 393342 without amounts filled) to me (which were given to you for the chit amounts) on September 19, 2009, when I visited your office, so that to evade from your above mistakes.
h. Your talk, attitude, behaviour and actions are highly inconsistent.
i. You have also collected extra money from my account for around 6 times.
j. I have verified that two chits have already matured in Jun’09 (and the other two will be maturing in Apr’10), even the originals of the Deposit certificates have not been handed over to me for the above till date, in spite of my repeated requests.
k. I have all the records and proof of payments and I have also verified from my bank account that for the four prized chits, MBL XLIII 26, MBL XLIII 27, MBL XLIV 34 and MBL XLIV 35, each valued for Rupees 50, 000/-(Rupees Fifty Thousands Only- Rupees 1250 X 40 months), you have already collected Rs.1, 31, 233(one lakh thirty one thousand two thirty three).
l. Further I came to know that you / Mr.Babu had invested all the money received from the deposits and Chit Fund, around 40 Crores in the form of lands, buildings in Benami names and invested money in the cinema field, against the vision statement of Suprabath Chits & Investments given to the Government /RBI/Commissioner of Chits.
m. I have send the letter/petition to you on 1st Oct ‘2009 at around 16.15 by speed post with Ack. Due ref. SP-POD ET258797337IN; Counter No.2, OP Code-VRA thro.Adyar PO(<600020> (weight 25 gms At 23.00).
n. I have received a call at 18.50 Hrs on 02/10/2009, from9940649450 talked to me for 3.57 Mins. asking me that whether I have made any complaint against him as he is passing thro. Police enquiry. I have told him, I have made a complaint long back and informed him that I have sent a petition to him. He has answered that he has seen the petition. I have told him about his talks and cheating actions, he has told me leave it (Atha Vidu) and he was telling that Babu has surrendered in the Court. He requested me to come to his house for talks. I have not answered anything and the conversation is over by that.

By doing all the above you have not only cheated me but also it amounts to breach of trust, apart from shooting up my Blood sugar levels, inducing stress that is deteriorating my health. The above very clearly shows that you are also having interest in the chit fund.

I have already informed you and Babu on several occasions requesting you to return back the deposits with interest that I am without job and I depend only on the above money for my daily breads, as I do not have any other deposit or saving. Also getting back my amount with interest will only relieve me of my tensions which shoot-up my sugar levels, as it will also serve as the two year fees for my daughter’s college.

I have also informed you that I reserve my rights to take-up the matter with the Court, Finance ministry, Reserve bank of India, Commissioner of Police, All the newspapers, TNPID Act and so on if I am not paid my deposit Rs.1, 20, 000 (One Lakhs and Twenty thousands only) + interests (from the date of deposit to till date) at once, on or before 30th September 2009.

I have also already warned you on 13th August 2009 not to use abusive words and to avoid the threatening attitude, but in vain.

You are requested to reply within a week, why I can’t take action against you, on TNPID act 1997 & 2008, the offence of criminal breach of trust, and other acts applicable, for the recovery of my deposits with interest apart from actions for your Threatening, for using Abusive words and a suit in the consumer court for the deficiency in service apart from filing a suit for claiming for damages for inducing stress and shooting up my blood sugar levels.

All our conversations had occurred in Tamil and for the convenience of typing, the complaint has been made ready in English using the words that are exact/Nearest in meaning.

Thanks & Regards,

I have lodged a complaint regarding this cheat with the police department also

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